Liveblogging Postwar: September 10, 1946: Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt: My Day:
HYDE PARK, Monday—At last I am going to tell you about a bill in which I have been interested for some time. It has been introduced in both the House and the Senate and has strong bipartisan backing. It would establish a Labor Extension Service within the Department of Labor. It would provide for a $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 grants-in-aid program to land-grant colleges and universities, and to other colleges, universities and educational institutions which are prepared to spend their resources and teaching facilities for the benefit of the 45,000,000 wage and salary earners.
The Agricultural Extension Service in the Department of Agriculture now uses more than $44,000,000 of federal, state and local funds for services to some 6,000,000 farmers and their families, totalling 20,000,000 persons.
This new bill would really carry out the purposes of the Morrill Act of 1862, which provided for the "diffusion of useful information" for the benefit of persons engaged in agriculture and the mechanic arts. This bill is open for amendments between now and the convening of the next Congress in January. Therefore labor, teachers and other groups have been asked to study it, and improve it if possible. All of us should support it, because in wider education lies the solution, we hope, of some of our labor and management difficulties.
This is one of those gray, damp September days which remind us that autumn is on the way. We need rain badly. The farmers who have corn still not quite ready for their silos are praying for wet weather, but those who are picking apples are praying for nice, dry sunny weather!
We have filled our deep freeze with all the vegetables and fruits for which we could get sugar enough to put them up. I must say it gives one a wonderful feeling of satisfaction to know that, even if we are snowed in this winter, we can always have enough to eat by taking a trip to the cellar.
As though the plants knew that their time for blooming is nearly over, some of the loveliest roses of the summer are filling my vases, and the marigolds and petunias are still gay, and even my pansies are still flowering.
The other evening, though, when I was walking my little dog, I heard the katydids very clearly, so our first frost is not too far away.