Procrastinating on October 28, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth: Must-Reads:
- The Roots of Growth: Review of Joel Mokyr: "A Culture of Growth" - Equitable Growth
- Nick Bunker: Weekend reading: “Flexing market power” edition - Equitable Growth
- Nick Bunker: Is monopsony important for understanding the U.S. labor market? - Equitable Growth
- Nick Bunker: What does macroeconomic policy look like when people aren’t perfectly rational? - Equitable Growth
- Nick Bunker: New research on market power and productivity - Equitable Growth
- Carmen Reinhart: The Return of Dollar Shortages: "Seven decades later, despite the broad global trend toward more flexibility in exchange-rate policy and freer movement of capital across national borders, a “dollar shortage” has reemerged...
- Dennis K. Berman and Jamie Heller: Wall Street’s “Do-Nothing” Investing Revolution: "Picking stocks is at heart an arrogant act...
- Bruce A. Blonigen and Justin R. Pierce: Evidence for the Effects of Mergers on Market Power and Efficiency: "Study of the impact of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on productivity and market power has been complicated...
- Simon Wren-Lewis: Paul Romer on Macroeconomics: "The microfoundations project, which was meant to make macro just another application of microeconomics, has left macroeconomics with very few friends among other economists....
- Doug Jones: The world at 1000 BCE: "The world population is about 50 million...
- Robert Waldmann: Benchmark II: "Benchmark[s] which I think are dangerous...
- David Brooks: The Conservative Intellectual Crisis: "I feel very lucky to have entered the conservative movement... in the 1980s and 1990s... National Review, The Washington Times, The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page...
Should Reads:
- Brad Setser: The Return of the East Asian Savings Glut
- Kevin Drum: Long Haul Truck Drivers Are Scarily Close to Being Put Out of Business
- Kevin H. O'Rourke: It's the UK that Wants New Barriers...: "Oh dear. EU doesn't want tariffs with the UK: it's the UK that wants new barriers. UK choices may require tariffs under WTO rules..."
- Arthur Okun: Equality and Efficiency: The Big Tradeoff
- Shane M. Greenstein et al.: Ideological Segregation Among Online Collaborators: Evidence from Wikipedians
- Mark Thoma: The Election Matters for the Future of the Economy
And Over Here:
- Romney Secret 47% Video Transcript Annotated
- You Still Here? It's Over! Go Home!: Part XXXI: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Post-Election "Free Gifts" Conference Call: Part XXX: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Close: Part XXIX: Romney Secret 47% Video
- On the Trail: Part XXVIII: Romney Secret 47% Video
- "Poor as a Church Mouse": Part XXVII: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Dignity and Media: Part XXVI: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Villification: Part XXV: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Mid-January 1997: William Safire and the New York Times
- Revisiting Mitt Romney's 2012 Prediction of a Failed Treasury Auction...
- People Are Disappointed with Obama's Policies: Part XXIV: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Corruption in Washington: Part XXIII: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Must-Read: In my view, the conservative intellectual crisis is the fact that David Brooks can write--and the New York Times publish--this piece on the conservative intellectual crisis...
- We Are Professionals: Part XXII: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Educating the American People: Part XXI: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Romney: My Election Will Summon the Confidence Fairy!: Part XX: Romney Secret 47% Video
- We Need a Bigger Navy: Part XIX: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Must-Read: Robert Waldmann: Benchmark II: "Benchmark[s] which I think are dangerous...
- Must-Read: My view: this map has the Middle East having much less of the 50 million and the Ganges and China coast much more than they likely had in reality: Doug Jones: The world at 1000 BCE
- Is There Any Reason for the Washington Post to Exist? No.
- How much backup did David Frum get back in 2009 when he wrote his "Waterloo" piece warning about the self-made hell into which the Republicans were descending? Nancy LeTourneau: The Republican Waterloo: "The so-called “right-wing media” has ejected the GOP leadership from their epistemic bubble...
- Hillary Rodham Clinton: 1969
- The Roots of Growth: Review of Joel Mokyr: "A Culture of Growth"
- Late September 2012: Mitt Romney and "Those People": Reading Ta-Nehisi Coates Weblogging
- Winning the Middle: Part XVIII: Romney Secret 47% Video
- 47%!: Part XVII: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Shakezula: Will the Circle Be Unbroken?: "Not only did commentorion Yastreblyansky warn everyone that Ross Douthat is wringing his beard over what the Intellectual Right did to deserve Trump... (Live from the Republicans' Self-Made Trump Hell)
- Be Proud of Yourself!: Part XVI: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Late October 2012: Bonus Politico Blogging: Shorter Mike Allen: I Am Sorry, But Not Very, That I Have Not Been Doing My Job for Like the Past Six Months
- Yes, Diana Furchtgott-Roth Is Madame Poll-Unskewing Wingnut of 2016. Why Do You Ask?
- Justin Wolfers: Twitter: Two Americas
- Must-Read: As I understand it, Paul Romer's critique of RBC and DSGE models is wide of the mark only insofar as people no longer take the conclusions of RBC and DSGE models seriously...
- Dana Houle: @DanaHoule: "Always some glaring, self-refuting flaw in a Douthat piece...
- Josh Barro: @jbarro: "Republicans' impossible GOTV challenge, explained in two tweets
- Must-Read: Bruce A. Blonigen and Justin R. Pierce: Evidence for the Effects of Mergers on Market Power and Efficiency
- Paul Krugman: @paulkrugman: "A tweetstorm on conservative intellectuals...
- Brian Buetler says: He told us so (Live from the Republicans' Self-Made Trump Hell)
- Late October 2012: The Republican Base Was Ugly, Ugly, Ugly Then...
- The Ask for Money: Part XV: Romney Secret 47% Video
- The Hispanic Vote: Part XIV: Romney Secret 47% Video
- The Election Is Winnable: Part XIII: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Palestine: Part XII: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Iraq: Status of Forces: Part XI: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Must-Read: Dennis K. Berman and Jamie Heller: Wall Street’s “Do-Nothing” Investing Revolution: "Picking stocks is at heart an arrogant act...
- Beating America's Health-Insurance Monopolists: No Longer Live at Project Syndicate
- Must-Read: Carmen Reinhart: The Return of Dollar Shortages
- Captain Khan
- The question is: what can the rest of us do to help the Republican Party regain its soul?
- Must-Read: What does it say about me that I find: "we have used a Stern-Gerlach magnet with a field gradient in the direction z to measure spin in the direction y..." to be the funniest thing I have read this month?
- Obama Is Weak and Naive: Part X: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Iran: Part IX: Romney Secret 47% Video
- Asking for Advice/National Bankruptcy: Part VIII: Romney Secret 47% Video
Might Like to Read:
- Jeff Stein: [October solved Hillary Clinton's millennial problem][]
- Nicole the Impaler: We Need to Get the Monkeys under Control
- Rand Paul: "The polls are put out, you know, to make it either look closer than it is or to make it look like Democrats have a better chance. And I think it's done by design to try to dampen turnout..."
Perhaps Worth Reading...