Procrastinating on October 31, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth: Must-Reads:
- Simon Wren-Lewis: Being Honest about Ideology in Economics: "Noah Smith... says the fundamental problem with macroeconomics is lack of data....
- Bradley A. Hansen: The Rise and Fall of American Economic Growth: "Robert Gordon’s Rise and Fall of American Economic Growth... is an excellent... expansion of Lebergott’s Pursuing Happiness...
- Paul Krugman (2011): The Ricardian Equivalence Argument Against Stimulus: "There have been a lot of shockingly bad performances among macroeconomists in this crisis...
- Anton Howes: Is Innovation in Human Nature?: "Most theories... assume that innovation is in human nature...
- Economist: Hands Off the Bank of England: "Politicians who casually attack the central bank’s integrity are playing with fire..."
- Edward Filene (1931): Successful Living in This Machine Age: "Mass Production is not simply large-scale production...
- Nick Bunker: Recessions happen. But how often? - Equitable Growth
Should Reads:
- U.C. Berkeley Opportunity Lab: "'How Presidents can Help Boost American Economic Mobility'... Enrico Moretti discusses how geography and education affect economic mobility...
- New Opportunity Lab to focus on policy for poverty, inequality
And Over Here:
- Must-Read: Edward Filene (1931): Successful Living in This Machine Age: "Mass Production is not simply large-scale production...
- Links for the Week of October 30, 2016
- Henceforth, If You Say "Economic Anxiety" without Irony and without Subtle Detailed Explanation, You Will Be Permanently Muted, Blocked, or Sent to Spam. Just Saying...
- Must-Read: News magazines that have spent all of the current millennium so far making excuses for Britain's Conservative and Unionist Party have been playing with fire...
- Must-Read: Anton Howes: Is Innovation in Human Nature?: "Most theories... assume that innovation is in human nature...
- Late October 2012: Weekend Reading: Josh Jordan Department: There Are Republicans Who Keep Separate What They Believe to Be True and What They Tell the Proles...
- Weekend Reading: Enterprise Software: Death and Transfiguration
- Inequality: Brown University Janus Forum
- Late July 2012: Is This the Silliest Thing Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post Has Ever Written?
- For the Weekend: Children
- Why and how the Republicans made their Donald Trump hell, in one sentence: Michael Kranish (2012): The story behind Mitt Romney’s loss in the presidential campaign to President Obama: "As Romney’s campaign plane landed... at around 6 p.m. on Election Day, he turned on his iPad and opened the Drudge Report...
- Must-Read: Paul Krugman (2011): The Ricardian Equivalence Argument Against Stimulus: "There have been a lot of shockingly bad performances among macroeconomists in this crisis...
- Must-Read: Simon Wren-Lewis: Being Honest about Ideology in Economics: "Noah Smith... says the fundamental problem with macroeconomics is lack of data....
- Comment of the Day: Bruce J.: Revisiting Mitt Romney's 2012 Prediction of a Failed Treasury Auction...: "Why, it's almost as if Mitt didn't understand any of this stuff.
Perhaps Worth Reading...