Procrastinating on November 23, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth: Must- and Should-Reads:
- Should We Use Expansionary Fiscal Policy Now Even If the Economy Is at Full Employment? Yes! - Equitable Growth
- Note to Self: Regulatory Uncertainty and Housing Finance - Equitable Growth
- Nick Bunker: Lack of market competition, rising profits, and a new way to look at the division of income in the United States - Equitable Growth
- Eric Holthaus: "We've never seen anything like what's happening in the Arctic and Antarctic right now. This is a new era." (Tu)
- Ben Bernanke: Sebastian Mallaby’s Biography of Alan Greenspan: "Mallaby’s argument that Greenspan should have known that a tighter monetary policy was appropriate in 2004-2005 (if that was in fact the case!) strains credulity... (W)
- Izabella Kaminska: Dollar Shortage Alert: "Who funds the working capital that keeps globalised trade lubricated and in flow? Answer: hard currency investors... (W)
- Izabella Kaminska: Global Trade Alert: "Hyun Song Shin’s latest thoughts on the connection between the bank/capital markets nexus, the dollar shortage problem and the break down of covered interest rate parity arbitrage deserve some careful consideration... (W)
- Chicago Booth Review: What economists think about Donald Trump’s 100-day plan (Th)
Interesting Reads:
- Heidi Williams, Amy Finkelstein, and Matthew Gentzkow: Decoding the Medical Cost Mystery
- Nick Bunker: Monopsony, or why you're getting paid less than you think you should
- Leah Platt Boustan: Competition in the Promised Land: Black Migrants in Northern Cities and Labor Markets:
- Marc Levinson: An Extraordinary Time: The End of the Postwar Boom and the Return of the Ordinary Economy:
- Guillermo A. Calvo: Macroeconomics in Times of Liquidity Crises: Searching for Economic Essentials:
- Katherine Burton: How Renaissance’s Medallion Fund Became Finance’s Blackest Box: The Medallion Fund, an employees-only offering for the quants at Renaissance Technologies, is the blackest box in all of finance
- Austin Weinstein: Lecturers in Limbo: "Lecturers teach about 24 percent of classes at UC Berkeley.... At the center of the conflict... is something much deeper... the purpose of lecturers at the university...
- Anjana Ahuja: On Elizabeth Loftus: "False memory, manipulation and the tooth fairy: Research raises the possibility of recollections being guided to achieve certain ends...
- Martha Olney (2015): Economics 113 Reader
- Nouriel Roubini: Trump’s Monetary Conundrum
- Jong-Wha Lee: Uniting for an Asian Century Paul Krugman: Build He Won’t
And Over Here:
- Should-Read: Chicago Booth Review: What economists think about Donald Trump’s 100-day plan...
- Should-Read: Izabella Kaminska: Global Trade Alert: "Hyun Song Shin’s latest thoughts on the connection between the bank/capital markets nexus, the dollar shortage problem and the break down of covered interest rate parity arbitrage deserve some careful consideration...
- Should-Read: Izabella Kaminska: Dollar Shortage Alert: "Who funds the working capital that keeps globalised trade lubricated and in flow? Answer: hard currency investors...
- Must-Read: Ben Bernanke: Sebastian Mallaby’s Biography of Alan Greenspan: "Mallaby’s argument that Greenspan should have known that a tighter monetary policy was appropriate in 2004-2005 (if that was in fact the case!) strains credulity...
- Note to Self: Why are we here at Berkeley not offering a big course in Wheeler next semester: History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme: The last crisis of the global liberal market democratic order, 1900 to 1940
- Should We Use Expansionary Fiscal Policy Now Even If the Economy Is at Full Employment? Yes!
- Weekend Reading: Luigi Zingales: The Right Way to Resist Trump
- Note to Self: Regulatory Uncertainty and Housing Finance: The U.S. Treasury seized Fannie and Freddie in 2008, and said that housing finance would be differently organized in the future.
- Links for the Week of November 20, 2016
You Might Look at:
- Erik Verlinde: Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe
Perhaps Worth Reading...