Procrastinating on December 18, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth: Must- and Should-Reads:
- Regional Policy and Distributional Policy in a World Where People Want to Ignore the Value and Contribution of Knowledge- and Network-Based Increasing Returns - Equitable Growth
- Has Academic Thinking About Countercyclical Fiscal Policy Changed? - Equitable Growth
- (Early) Monday DeLong Smackdown Watch: Has Macroeconomics Gone Right? - Equitable Growth
- Nick Bunker: Weekend reading: “Disaggregating data” edition - Equitable Growth
- Philip Stephens: How Brexit May Not Mean Brexit: "Referendums... become a device for demagogues and dictators: the people have spoken so now they must be silent ever more...
- Greg Sargent: @ThePlumLineGS: "A new CBS poll finds support for [ObamaCare] repeal has dropped 10 points since January, all the way down to 25%:"
- Matthew Yglesias: Trump is going to be mad when he hears what his appointees think about the TPP: "His top economic and foreign policy advisers love it (as do his other advisers)...
- Robbie Whelan and Esther Fung: China’s Factories Count on Robots as Workforce Shrinks: "Suzhou Victory Precision Manufacture Co.’s chairman, Yugen Gao, said the days when the company drew its strength from China’s cheap and hardworking employees are gone...
- David Drake: What Distant Deeps: "Empires have generally used proxies to fight wars on their borders...
- Storify: Pre-Distribution vs. Social Insurance in Regional and Equality Policy:
Interesting Reads:
- Kevin Drum: Now Even Conservatives Are Calling Them "Tax Cuts For the Rich": "National Review editor Rich Lowry.... When was the last time you heard a conservative, let alone the editor of NR, refer to tax reform as a 'traditional Republican' 'tax cut for the rich'? That's the way liberals jeer at supply-side voodoo.... But now they are. What does this mean?"
- Katie Martin and Leo Lewis: Japanese banks warn of leaving London without Brexit clarity: Financial groups suggest relocating functions within 6 months to mainland Europe
- Matthew Klein: Who wins and loses from America’s transfer union?
- Simon Wren-Lewis: How the media misled us over Brexit and Donald Trump: Partisan newspapers and TV channels let "politicised truths" pass unchallenged...
- Simon Wren-Lewis: What Brexit and austerity tell us about economics, policy and the media
- Chye-Ching Huang and Paul N. van de Water: Millionaires the Big Winners From Repealing the Affordable Care Act
- The Niskanen Center is doing great work: Jacob Levy: The Multiculturalism of Fear | The Defense of Liberty Can’t Do Without Identity Politics | Authoritarianism and Post-Truth Politics
- Maryn McKenna: [If Waffle House Is Closed, It’s Time To Panic][]
- Anthony Ha: ‘Rogue One’ transports viewers to a bigger Star Wars universe
- Jeff Tollefson: Researchers baffled by nationalist surge
- Amanda Bayer and Cecilia Elena Rouse: Diversity in the Economics Profession: A New Attack on an Old Problem
- The History of Economics Society
- Douglas O. Staiger, James H. Stock, and Mark W. Watson (1997): How Precise Are Estimates of the Natural Rate of Unemployment?: "Uncertainty arising from not knowing the parameters of the model at hand...
- Noah Smith (2015): Handing the baton to the next hyperpower
- Erik Brynjolfsson and John Silberholz: ‘Moneyball’ for Professors?:
- Andrew Liszewski: Interactive Periodic Table Reveals Exactly How We Use All Those Elements
[If Waffle House Is Closed, It’s Time To Panic:
And Over Here:
- Should-Read: Storify: Pre-Distribution vs. Social Insurance in Regional and Equality Policy
- (Early) Monday DeLong Smackdown Watch: Has Macroeconomics Gone Right?
- Should-Read: Douglas O. Staiger, James H. Stock, and Mark W. Watson (1997): How Precise Are Estimates of the Natural Rate of Unemployment?: "Uncertainty arising from not knowing the parameters of the model at hand...
- Comment of the Day: Tim McDermott: Regional Policy and Distributional Policy in a World Where People Want to Ignore the Value and Contribution of Knowledge- and Network-Based Increasing Returns: "Years and years ago I heard an interview with a Carnegie Mellon computer science professor who taught the founders of Lycos...
- Should-Read: David Drake: What Distant Deeps: "Empires have generally used proxies to fight wars on their borders...
- Regional Policy and Distributional Policy in a World Where People Want to Ignore the Value and Contribution of Knowledge- and Network-Based Increasing Returns
- Notebook: Discussion of: A World Where People Want to Ignore the Value and Contribution of Knowledge- and Network-Based Increasing Returns
- Storify: Pre-Distribution vs. Social Insurance in Regional and Equality Policy
- Has Academic Thinking About Countercyclical Fiscal Policy Changed?
- Philip Craig Chapman-Bell: For the Weekend...: Incipit Gestis Rudolphi Rangifer Tarandus: "Hwæt, Hrodulf readnosa hrandeor...
- Weekend Reading: John Steinbeck: The 1930s: A Primer: "Everyone Was a Temporarily Embarrassed Capitalist"
- Weekend Reading: Chinese Cauldron: Huineng Points at the Moon ~ 惠能指月
- Weekend Reading: Ideology vs. Pragmatism: David Atkins: Republicans Don’t Care What Works
- Should-Read: Matthew Yglesias: Trump is going to be mad when he hears what his appointees think about the TPP: "His top economic and foreign policy advisers love it (as do his other advisers)...
- Should Read: Greg Sargent: @ThePlumLineGS: "A new CBS poll finds support for [ObamaCare] repeal has dropped 10 points since January
- Should-Read: Philip Stephens: How Brexit May Not Mean Brexit: "Referendums... become a device for demagogues and dictators: the people have spoken so now they must be silent ever more...
You Might Look at:
- The Regimental Shop
- Adam Roberts: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
- Charles Stross: Empire Games
- Oscar Wilde: De Profundis
- Capitoline Triad: Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus; Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva
Perhaps Worth Looking at...