Procrastinating on December 21, 2016
Over at Equitable Growth: Must- and Should-Reads:
- Ben Thompson: Reconsidering Uber: "Part 2 is far better, and in many respects redeems the series...
- Simon Wren-Lewis: Understanding Free Trade: "There you have, in one calm and measured paragraph, the contradiction at the heart of the argument...
- Laurel Lucia and Ken Jacobs: California’s Projected Economic Losses under ACA Repeal: "[With] repeal [of] the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 3.7 million Californians enrolled in the Medi-Cal expansion would lose that coverage...
- John Muellbauer: Why Central Bank Models Failed. How to Repair Them: "At the core of representative agent DSGE models is the Euler equation for consumption...
- Martin Wolf: Democrats, Demagogues and Despots: "Fear and rage must not be used as an excuse to destroy America’s core institutions...
- Gideon Lewis-Kraus: The Great A.I. Awakening: "Google Translate, the company’s popular machine-translation service, had suddenly and almost immeasurably improved... (M)
- John Schmitt and Nisha Chikhale: The U.S. Recession and Recovery Have Been Tough on Everyone - Equitable Growth:
Interesting Reads:
- Very good links today from Mark Thoma: Economist's View: Links for 12-20-16
- Christopher Blattman and Stefan Dercon: Industrial jobs versus self-employment in Ethiopia
- Gideon Rachman: The Chaotic Route to Train-Crash Brexit
And Over Here:
- Should-Read: Gideon Lewis-Kraus: The Great A.I. Awakening: "Google Translate, the company’s popular machine-translation service, had suddenly and almost immeasurably improved...
- Must-Read: Martin Wolf: Democrats, Demagogues and Despots: "Fear and rage must not be used as an excuse to destroy America’s core institutions...
- Should-Read: John Muellbauer: Why Central Bank Models Failed. How to Repair Them: "At the core of representative agent DSGE models is the Euler equation for consumption...
- Live from the Electoral College: KStreet607: Final Popular Vote Total: Shows Hillary Clinton Won Almost 3 Million More Ballots Than Donald Trump: "Hillary Clinton won a total of 65,844,610 votes--48.2 percent--compared with Trump’s 62,979,636 votes--46.1 percent--according to David Wasserman of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report...
- Gaudete! Dies Natalis Solis Invicti!
- Jeffrey Toobin on Robert Bork: Hoisted from the Internet from Four Years Ago
- Should-Read: Laurel Lucia and Ken Jacobs: California’s Projected Economic Losses under ACA Repeal: "[With] repeal [of] the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 3.7 million Californians enrolled in the Medi-Cal expansion would lose that coverage...
- Must-Read: Simon Wren-Lewis: Understanding Free Trade: "There you have, in one calm and measured paragraph, the contradiction at the heart of the argument...
- Must-Read: Ben Thompson: Reconsidering Uber: "Part 2 is far better, and in many respects redeems the series...
You Might Look at:
- Richard Overy: Why So Few Resisted Hitler: Peter Fritzsche’s “An Iron Wind” shows just how swiftly Europeans were prepared to abandon their commitment to a normative morality and to ignore, justify or endorse Nazi persecutions...
- Blum Center Facilities
- Jon Schwarz: The Intercept
- Westworld
Perhaps Worth Looking at...