Links for the Week of January 15, 2017
- Allegra Kirkland: Rand Paul: Trump Backs Plan To Repeal, Replace Obamacare Simultaneously: "Rand Paul: 'I just spoke to @realDonaldTrump...
- Antonio Fatás and Lawrence H. Summers: The Permanent Effects of Fiscal Consolidations: "The global financial crisis has permanently lowered the path of GDP in all advanced economies...
- Christopher Boone et al.: Unemployment Insurance and Employment: "The Unemployment Insurance programme in the US was significantly expanded during between 2008 and 2014...
- Paul Krugman: @paulkrugman on Twitter: "The whole Streep-Trump thing reminds me of a theme that has been running through my thoughts a lot lately -- namely, the death of honor...
- Mark Thoma: Why Trump Needs to Take the Economy More Seriously: Trump’s habit of claiming more credit than he deserves stands in sharp contrast to President Obama’s inability to communicate all of the good things that have happened during his presidency...
- Greg Sargent: Memo to the Media: Stop Giving Trump the Headlines He Wants: "If the headline does not convey the fact that Trump’s claim is in question or open to doubt, based on the known facts, then it is insufficiently informative...
- Larry Summers: Best bets for public investment
- Jared Bernstein: More on the non-mystery of non-work: "Employment rates of prime-age workers...
- Sharun W. Mukand and Dani Rodrik: _Ideas versus Interests: A Unified Political Economy Framework: "[We] distinguish between two kinds of ideational politics...
Most-Recent Should-Reads:
- Matthew Yglesias: Obama to Working Class Trump Voters: You Played Yourselves: "'If every economic issue is framed as a struggle between a hardworking white middle class and undeserving minorities'...
- Manu Saadia: Why Peter Thiel Fears “Star Trek”: "Asked... whether he was a bigger fan of 'Star Wars' or 'Star Trek'...
- Matthew Yglesias: Democrats Should Write Their Own “Terrific” Obamacare Replacement: "Protecting Medicare and Medicaid means you can’t... scrap the Medicaid expansion, and you can’t scrap the payment reforms to Medicare...
- Charles Wilson (1967): Trade, Society, and the State: "The two areas which in 1500 represented the richest and most advanced concentrations...
Most-Recent Links:
- Emmanuel Farhi, Gita Gopinath, and Oleg Itskhoki: Trump’s Tax Plan and the Dollar: "A border-adjustment tax... has nothing to offer.... Currency appreciation offsets the fiscal devaluation. But... an appreciating dollar would erode America’s net foreign-asset position..."
- Adam Silverman: Today in Presidential Farewell Addresses: President Eisenhower
- Fred Block and Matthew R. Keller (2011): Where do Innovations Come From?: Transformations in the U.S. Economy, 1970-2006
- It seems that Pethokoukis's "compromise" is simply "ObamaCare". If he and his peers would just say that, things would be less messed up: James Pethokoukis: An ObamaCare compromise that Republicans and Democrats can both love
- Mark Thoma: Here's what really caused the housing crisis
- Thomas Piketty: new data series on inequality and the collapse of bottom incomes
- George Orwell (1946): In Front of Your Nose
- Kevin Drum: No, Tech Firms Are Not Huge Job Creators
MOAR Should-Reads:
- Pseudoerasmus: The Bairoch Conjecture on Tariffs and Growth: "There is a vast empirical literature which finds a positive correlation between economic growth and various measures of openness to international trade in the post-1945 period...
- Scott Lemieux: But Where's the Tort Reform?: "Rand Paul, the true progressive alternative in the 2016 race...
- Stephen Bush: Theresa May's Brexit Objectives Are Crystal Clear: "I think the Prime Minister’s getting an rap for inscrutability she doesn’t quite deserve...
- Laura Tyson and Lenny Mendonca: Federalism and Progressive Resistance: "With the world’s sixth-largest economy, a population of nearly 40 million that looks like the future of America...
- Yair Field et al.: Detection of human adaptation during the past 2000 years: "in the ancestors of modern Britons during the past ~2,000-3,000 years...
- Nils Gilman: The Twin Insurgency: "By the 1970s,... the social modernist states were increasingly failing to deliver
- Noah Smith: Sometimes It's Hard to Explain Market Failures
- Dani Rodrik: Trump’s Defective Industrial Policy: "Sociologists Fred Block and Matthew Keller have provided perhaps the best analysis of the US “developmental state”...
- * Nancy Letourneau*: Republican Confusion Over Obamacare Repeal: "Perhaps the most troubling (but honest) quote came from Rep. Brady...
- Josh Marshall: What You Didn't See: "What may be the most significant news of the day barely made a ripple...
- Olivier Blanchard: The US Phillips Curve: Back to the 60s?: "Low unemployment still pushes in ation up; high unemployment pushes it down....
MOAR Links:
- Herbal teabagger watch: Carla Marinucci: Head of nurses union RoseAnn DeMoro 'counting on' Trump for single-payer system
- The Commonwealth Fund: Repealing Federal Health Reform: Economic and Employment Consequences for States
- George Steiner: Language and Silence: Essays on Language, Literature, and the Inhuman
- Mari Nutti: Seismic Faults in the European Union
- Scott Galupo: What will Donald Trump's presidency be like? Here are 5 scenarios.: "1. The Northeastern moderate.... 2. The president of pomp.... 3. The people pleaser.... 4. The pernicious president.... 5. The agent of chaos...
- Martin Wolf: The economic consequences of Barack Obama’s presidency: Given the starting point, and congressional opposition, recovery has been remarkable...
- Steven Levy: Phil Schiller on iPhone’s Launch, How It Changed Apple, and Why It Will Keep Going for 50 Years
- Brad Setser: Two Trade Variables To Watch in 2017: "Few variables will tell us more about the course of the global economy, and perhaps global policy, than the evolution of Chinese and U.S. exports. Sometimes the most important indicators are simple and straightforward...
- Dominic Cummings: Vote Leave: “Would we have won without £350m/NHS? All our research and the close result strongly suggests No.”
- CEA: Understanding Recent Developments in the Individual Health Insurance Market
- Pedro da Costa: Fed presidents and staff economists views on economy: "The most salient discord appeared to be between the view of Fed economists... and sitting policymakers.... The latter, perhaps because of their more public role, seemed substantially more optimistic...
- Jo Ingles: [Gov. Kasich Credits Medicaid Expansion For Helping Ohio Fight Drug Abuse Problem][]
- Raj Chetty and Nathaniel Hendren: [The Impacts of Neighborhoods on Intergenerational Mobility II: County-Level Estimates][]: "Growing up in a one SD better county from birth increases a child's income by approximately 10%...
- Hilary Hoynes et al.: America’s best child poverty-fighting program? It’s spelled EITC
- Richard Mayhew: Why I am only pessimistic instead of completely certain of doom: "I’ve been slowly moving towards only pessimism(75%) instead of certainty(97%) that the ACA or something like is doomed..."
- Raj Chetty et al.: Are we better off than our parents?: The data that underscores the fading “American dream”
- Harold Pollack and Tim Jost: Seven Questions About Health Reform: "Plans would protect individuals with pre-existing conditions from discrimination only if they maintained insurance coverage without any breaks. But this is not easy because of job loss and transient hardships..."
- Michael Reich et al.: Effects of a $15 Minimum Wage in California and Fresno