Links for the Week of January 22, 2016
Brad DeLong: Office Hours: Spring 2017

Must-Read: Talking Points!

Michael Klein, Edward Schumacher-Matos, and Miriam Wasserman: Econofact: About: "EconoFact is... to bring key facts and incisive analysis to the national debate on economic and social policies...

...It is written by leading academic economists from across the country who belong to the EconoFact Network, and published by the Edward R. Murrow Center for a Digital World at The Fletcher School at Tufts University.... Our mission at EconoFact is to provide data, analysis and historical experience in a dispassionate manner. The presentation is in short memo form and written in everyday language, free of jargon, and where appropriate, accompanied by visuals illustrating the main point. We are committed to presenting even complex economic analysis in a way that is accessible to all. Our guiding ethos is a belief that well meaning people emphasizing different values can arrive at different policy conclusions. However, if in the debate we as a society can’t agree on the relevant facts, then the nation itself loses a common base for constructive debate and policy will suffer...
