Procrastinating on January 23, 2017
Over at Equitable Growth: Must- and Should-Reads:
- Nicholas Bagley: Patching Obamacare at the State Level: "If Congress zeroes out the individual mandate—and my hunch is that it will—it’s game over for the exchanges...
- Xavier Jaravel: The Unequal Gains from Product Innovations: Evidence from the US Retail Sector: "From 2004 to 2013 higher-income households systematically experienced a larger increase in product variety and a lower inflation rate for continuing products...
- Larry Summers: Disillusioned in Davos: "I am disturbed by (i) the spectacle of financiers who three months ago were telling anyone who would listen that they would never do business with a Trump company...
- Charles Stross: Why Scifi Matters More When the Future Looks So Dangerous: "Near-future scifi is not a predictive medium: it doesn’t directly reflect reality so much as it presents us with a funhouse mirror view of the world around us...
- Robert Allen (2004): Progress and Poverty in Early Modern Europe: "At the end of the middle ages, the urban, manufacturing core of Europe was on the Mediterranean with an important offshoot in Flanders...
- Michael Klein, Edward Schumacher-Matos, and Miriam Wasserman: Econofact: About: "EconoFact is... to bring key facts and incisive analysis to the national debate on economic and social policies...
- Has Protectionism Ever Worked? | Equitable Growth
Interesting Reads:
- Robert Allen
- Robert Looney: Brazil's Hard Road to Affluence
- James Kwak: Health Care and John D. Rockefeller’s Dog
- Kevin Drum: What Does It Take for the Press to Call a Lie a Lie?
And Over Here:
- Brad DeLong: Office Hours: Spring 2017
- Must-Read: Talking Points! Michael Klein, Edward Schumacher-Matos, and Miriam Wasserman: Econofact: About: "EconoFact is... to bring key facts and incisive analysis to the national debate on economic and social policies...
- Links for the Week of January 22, 2016
- Reading: Robert Allen (2011): Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction, chapter 4
- Reading: Robert Allen (2011): Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction, chapters 2 and 3
- Reading: David Landes (2006): Why Europe and the West? Why Not China?
- Reading: Jared Diamond (1997): Agriculture: The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race
- Reading: Alan Taylor (2012): Colonial America: A Very Short Introduction
- Reading: Paul Boyer (2012): American History: A Very Short Introduction
- Reading: Barry Eichengreen (2011): Economic History and Economic Policy
- Reading: Trevon Logan (2015): A Time (Not) Apart: A Lesson in Economic History from Cotton Picking Books
- Looking Forward to Four Years During Which Most if Not All of America's Potential for Human Progress Is Likely to Be Wasted
- Should-Read: Robert Allen (2004): Progress and Poverty in Early Modern Europe: "At the end of the middle ages, the urban, manufacturing core of Europe was on the Mediterranean with an important offshoot in Flanders...
- Has Protectionism Ever Worked?: DeLong FAQ
- Weekend Reading: Richard Feynman: Math and Science
- Should-Read: Charles Stross: Why Scifi Matters More When the Future Looks So Dangerous: "Near-future scifi is not a predictive medium: it doesn’t directly reflect reality so much as it presents us with a funhouse mirror view of the world around us...
- Should-Read: Xavier Jaravel: The Unequal Gains from Product Innovations: Evidence from the US Retail Sector: "From 2004 to 2013 higher-income households systematically experienced a larger increase in product variety and a lower inflation rate for continuing products...
- Should-Read: Larry Summers: Disillusioned in Davos: "I am disturbed by (i) the spectacle of financiers who three months ago were telling anyone who would listen that they would never do business with a Trump company...
- Weekend Reading: John Scalzi: The New Year and the Bend of the Arc
Perhaps Worth Looking at...