Links for the Week of February 12, 2017
Most-Recent Must-Reads:
- Dietrich Vollrath: Who are you calling Malthusian?: "Living standards are negatively related to the size of population...
- Ed Luce: Donald Trump, the Bully in America’s Pulpit: "Nobody can say they were not warned...
- Matthew Yglesias: Beyond wild allegations, what’s clearly true about Trump and Russia is disturbing: "The Russian blackmail theory is composed of two sub-elements...
- Facundo Alvaredo et al.: Global Inequality Dynamics: New Findings from WID.WORLD: "Global inequality dynamics involve strong and contradictory forces...
Most-Recent Should-Reads:
- Scott Lemieux: There Will Never Be A Republican Replacement for the ACA, Cont'd: "There’s no alternative to the ACA that 1) could get a non-trivial amount of Republican support and...
- Mary Amiti and David Weinstein: Why shocks to large banks cause big GDP swings: "Banks are large relative to the economies they serve...
Most-Recent Links:
- Paul Krugman: Springtime for Scammers: "People keep saying that Donald Trump is a populist. I do not think that word means what they think it means..."
- Giovanni Federico and Antonio Tena-Junguito: World trade, 1800-1938: a new data-set
- Zachary Tracer et al.: U.S. Health Insurance Mergers Killed as Companies Plot Next Move
- Doug Staiger and James Stock (1997): Instrumental Variables Regression with Weak Instruments
- (2001): Kaiping Mines: Memorandum of Agreement Between Chang Yen-Mao and Herbert Hoover
- Peter Lee (2006): China Matters: Herbert Hoover: Made in China
- Peter Lee (2006): China Matters: Last of the Muckrakers: An Appreciation of Walter Liggett
- Peter Lee (2006): China Matters: The Coolie Quagmire: Flogging, Sodomy, and Imperial Overreach on the Rand
MOAR Should-Reads:
- Andrew Harless (2013): Employment, Interest, and Money: James Medoff, Stagflation, the Phillips Curve, and the Greenspan Boom: "James Medoff, my thesis advisor in graduate school and later my collaborator and business associate, died on Saturday, September 15 after a long struggle with multiple sclerosis...
- Martin Feldstein, Ted Halstead and Greg Mankiw: A Conservative Case for Climate Action: "CRAZY as it may sound, this is the perfect time to enact a sensible policy to address the dangerous threat of climate change...
- Noah Smith: The Wisdom and Madness of Crowds: "Prelec... Seung, and... McCoy ask... what people think others will guess. If herd behavior is present, some people will know it, and will be contrarians...
- Robert Reich: Five Questions for Robert Reich about Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few: "America has repeatedly reformed itself with regard to excessive concentration of income and its attendant political consequences...
MOAR Links:
- Florida mayors to Rubio: We’re Going Under, Take Climate Change Seriously (2016):
- Watch "The Bellman Equation"
- Jason Kottke: America is confused about healthcare coverage: "Over a third of those polled did not know that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act were the same thing..."
- Gautam Rao
- Matthew Townsend: Trump Might Nudge Sneaker Jobs Home, but Mainly for Robots: Using more U.S. plants “would seem to be politically prudent.”
- Peter J. Dougherty: Die hard: The once and future scholarly book: "The book is still with us and as relevant as ever. Reports of its death, to paraphrase Mark Twain, are greatly exaggerated..."
- David Anderson: Linking subsidies to price paper
- Chris Dillow: How lies work: "It is not congenital liars that should worry us, but congenital believers – those who fall for the lies of charlatans. We know that many do so: almost half of voters believed the lie that leaving the EU would allow us to spend an extra £350m a week on the NHS..."
- Ian Buruma: The New Anti-Semitism
Chris Edelson: Ordinary Americans carried out inhumane acts for Trump
John Rawlinson: Li Hongzhang
- Zeng Guofan
- Rosa Luxemburg Blog: Think you know your leaders of the Second International?
- John Skrentny: Trump will lose America like Pete Wilson lost California
- Emily Badger: Immigrant Shock: Can California Predict the Nation’s Future?
- Wired: Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware
- Martin Longman: Gorsuch’s Praise of David Sentelle Should Concern You
- (2014): An 1862 Extraordinary Rendition in Morocco by my Great^6 Grandfather James DeLong: Live from The Roasterie CCCXVI: August 26, 2014:
- Chinese English Dictionary with Pinyin and Strokes
- TBogg (2008): Post Minstrel Syndrome
- Aaron Carroll: How Would Republican Plans for Medicaid Block Grants Actually Work?
- Nicholas Bagley: The feds have been ordered to cough up risk corridor money
- Noah Smith: People Actually Use Food Stamps to Buy More Food
- Esteban Ortiz-Ospina and Max Roser: International Trade
- Stan Collender: GOP Grand Scheme On Obamacare Repeal & Tax Reform Quickly Going South