Reading: E. M. Halliday (2001): Understanding Thomas Jefferson

E. M. Halliday (2001): Understanding Thomas Jefferson (New York: Harper Perennial: 0060957611) <>

This is only one-third of a biography of Thomas Jefferson: it is about Jefferson the human being, rather than Jefferson the moral philosopher or Jefferson the politician. And I do not think it is the best biography even of Jefferson the human being--it is too short. But it is, I think, the best very short biography of Jefferson the human being...

Five Questions:

  1. What does Halliday say that Jefferson-the-human was, if not a "sphinx" whom we are incapable of understanding?
  2. Sally Hemings: WTF?!
  3. What did Jefferson do that he thought was most worth remembering? Why did he think those things were most worth remembering?
  4. What does Halliday think of historians and biographers of Jefferson (with the exception of Fawn Brodie)?
  5. What does Halliday understand to be the status of his biography--the likelihood that it is all true, or true enough, or grasps the essence of Jefferson-the-human?
