Live from the Orange-Haired Baboon Cage: Donald Trump: On Twitter: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe"
MSNBC: "Spicer on 'covfefe' tweet: 'The president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant.'
David From:: "He’s right: the small group = the president and his pharmacists.
Amy: "Why can't they just acknowledge 'typo' and move on?"
David Frum: "Because typos are rapidly fixed. This looks as if the president spasmed, passed out-and nobody on staff noticed."
Jodi Beggs: "or cared =P"
Dr. Dena Grayson: "'Old age' doesn't explain #covfefe. Neurodegeneration does😳"
Pedro Marques: "Says a lot about the White House staff's waning dedication. Nobody bothered to correct the tweet while the World made fun of their boss. I once had a boss who nobody cared to point out when he was wrong. Even when he was embarrassing himself. No dedication. Just a pay check."