The Future of Education and Lifelong Learning: DeLong Opening DRAFT
Procrastinating on May 26, 2017

Should-Read: Kavya Vaghul: Weekend reading: the “fantasy budget” edition: "Greg Leiserson discusses... fantasy budgeting around policies and plans that have yet to be developed...

...Ammar Farooq, which takes a close look at the proportion of college-educated workers in occupations that don’t require a college degree.... Nick Bunker also writes on the incidence of over-education across a lifetime.... The Trump administration proposed large cuts to the U.S. Department of Labor... explains Elisabeth Jacobs.... John Schmitt sits down with Sandra Black.... The fiscal year 2018 budget put forward a 13 percent spending cut for the U.S. Department of Education.... Kavya Vaghul unpacks....

Dylan Matthews... calls out the “magical economic assumptions”.... Why has wage growth stagnated...? Pedro Nicolaci da Costa explores.... The American Health Care Act was scored by the U.S. Congressional Budget Office... explains Casey Quinlan.... “Inclusive prosperity”... has become increasingly unattainable, writes Richard Florida.... Lawrence Mishel and Josh Bivens strike down on the argument that increasing automation—the robot apocalypse—leads to inequality and job displacement..."
