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Plutarch: Agesilaus: "The allies of the Lacedaemonians were offended at Agesilaüs...
...They said they had no wish to be dragged hither and thither to destruction every year, they themselves so many, and the Lacedaemonians, with whom they followed, so few.... Agesilaüs... ordered all the allies to sit down by themselves promiscuously, and the Lacedaemonians apart by themselves. Then his herald called upon the potters to stand up first, and after them the smiths, next, the carpenters in their turn, and the builders, and so on through all the handicrafts. In response, almost all the allies rose up, but not a man of the Lacedaemonians.... Then Agesilaüs said with a laugh: ‘You see, O men, how many more soldiers than you we are sending’...