Procrastinating on June 26, 2017
Over at Equitable Growth: Must- and Should-Reads:
- Should-Read: Richard Peach and Charles Steindel: Low Productivity Growth: The Capital Formation Link: "Capital intensity... reflect[s] the effect of current and past physical investment on the growth of labor productivity...
- Must-Read: Nicholas Bagley: Crazy waivers: the Senate bill invites states to gut important health insurance rules: "The bill goes further to grease the wheels for waivers...
- Must-Read: David Anderson: Reading the BCRA CBO Score: "The Congressional Budget Office is due to release their score on the Senate’s BCRA bill at some point today. Here are a few things to remember as you read the score...
- Must-Read: Benjamin D. Sommers, Atul A. Gawande, and Katherine Baicker: Health Insurance Coverage and Health—What the Recent Evidence Tells Us: "Perhaps no research question better encapsulates this policy debate than, 'Does coverage save lives?...
- Must-Read: Minxin Pei: Xi Jinping’s war on the ‘financial crocodiles’ gathers pace: "Beijing will pass off a politically motivated purge as tough regulatory enforcement...
- Should-Read: Thucydides: ,History of the Peloponnesian War: "To hear this history recited, for that there be inserted in it no fables...
Interesting Reads:
- Four Links for 2007-06-25 Samuelson, P.A. (1971) "Understanding the Marxian Notion of Exploitation: A Summary of the So-Called Transformation Problem Between Marxian Values and Competitive Prices" Journal of Economic Literature 9 2 399–431...
- One Link for 2007-06-24 EBMUD East Bay Trails...
- Ten Links for 2007-06-23
- Michael Clemens on the Real Immigrant Underclass: "The People Who Wanted To Come, But Could Not" Michael Clemens of the Center for Global Development, with a good rant, including bonus New Republic bashing...
- Richard Thaler: Slippery Slope Arguments Should Be Avoided Unless There Is Proof that the Slope Is Greased
- Annals of Horticulture Air conditioners leak incredible amounts of moisture, even in arid climates like Tucson. This plant has found the one moist spot for acres around, and is responding appropriately...
- Wonders of the California Republican Party
- Jim Hamilton and Mark Zandi on Interest Rates
- Why Oh Why Can't We Have a Better Press Corps? (The Hill Edition) Matthew Yglesias: "Carping: The Hill's Elana Shor on Barack Obama's earmarks..."
- The Evolution of Household Income Volatility
- "Orthodox" and "Heterodox" Economics Once Again
And Over Here:
- Links, etc., for the Week of June 26, 2017
- Kagans Smackdown/Hoisted from Archives: History as Tragedy: The Peloponnesian War
- Worth Noting from Grasping Reality: March 2007
- Stalinists Gonna Stalin: Hoisted from 2007: Michael Berube is back, eviscerating Alexander Cockburn and Edward Herman, those notorious stooges-in-search-of-a-Stalin: Michael Berube (2007): HOW DO I SLEEP?: "My position on Iraq four years ago hasn't led me to wonder how much responsibility I have for the war. I opposed the war, and no, I'm not sorry about that.... Perhaps you think this is just sloppy Alex Cockburn making a sloppy mistake..."
- Thinking About the Unfortunately Thinkable: Iran—and Bush: Hoisted from the Archives from Ten Years Ago
- Ten Years Ago in Grasping Reality: June 25, 2007
- Weekend Reading: Origin of "'Cry 'Havoc', and Let Slip the Dogs of War!"?
- Weekend Reading: Aristotle: Politics: Property and Wealth
- Weekend Reading: Oration on the Dignity of Man
- Must-Read: Nicholas Bagley: CRAZY WAIVERS: THE SENATE BILL INVITES STATES TO GUT IMPORTANT HEALTH INSURANCE RULES: "The bill goes further to grease the wheels for waivers..."
- Should-Read: Richard Peach and Charles Steindel: LOW PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH: THE CAPITAL FORMATION LINK: "Capital intensity... reflect[s] the effect of current and past physical investment on the growth of labor productivity..."
- Must-Read: David Anderson: READING THE BCRA CBO SCORE: "The Congressional Budget Office is due to release their score on the Senate’s BCRA bill at some point today. Here are a few things to remember as you read the score..."
- Must-Read: Benjamin D. Sommers, Atul A. Gawande, and Katherine Baicker: HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE AND HEALTH—WHAT THE RECENT EVIDENCE TELLS US: "Perhaps no research question better encapsulates this policy debate than, 'Does coverage save lives?..."
- Must-Read: Minxin Pei: XI JINPING’S WAR ON THE ‘FINANCIAL CROCODILES’ GATHERS PACE: "Beijing will pass off a politically motivated purge as tough regulatory enforcement..."
- Should-Read: Thucydides: HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR: ""To hear this history recited, for that there be inserted in it no fables..."
Perhaps Worth Looking at...