Procrastination on September 14, 2017
Over at Equitable Growth: Must- and Should-Reads:
- Nick Bunker: Markups, macroeconomics, and the changing U.S. economy: "Over the past several decades, the U.S. economy experienced changes in key economic metrics that don’t bode well for the welfare of most people...
- Nick Bunker: JOLTS Day Graphs: July 2017 Report Edition | Equitable Growth: "The Beveridge Curve in July looks to be very close to its pre-recession trend:
- Joseph E. Stiglitz: Where Modern Macroeconomics Went Wrong: "This paper provides a critique of the DSGE models that have come to dominate macroeconomics during the past quarter-century...
- Matthew Kahn: Does Culture Matter? The Case of Academic Economics: "I stumbled across this very interesting (and depressing) post by Claudia Sahm...
- Barbara Biasi and Petra Moser: Effects of Copyrights on Science: Evidence from the WWII Book Republication Program: "In 1942, the American Book Republication Program (BRP) allowed US publishers to reprint exact copies of German-owned science books...
- Caroline Freund and Dario Sidhu: Manufacturing and the 2016 Election: An Analysis of US Presidential Election Data: "Much of the public discourse and media analysis of the surprise outcome of the 2016 US presidential election has emphasized the role of manufacturing workers... ..."
- Peter A. Hall and David Soskice, eds. Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage: "The institutional differences that characterize the ‘varieties of capitalism’ found among the developed economies...
- Bin Yu: Three principles for data science: predictability, stability, and computability: "September 12, 2017 :: 4:10pm to 5:00pm :: 190 Doe Library"
- Austin Clemens: Previewing tomorrow’s annual income and poverty report: "'Income and Poverty in the United States', on Tuesday...
- Michael Boskin (March 6, 2009): Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow: "our new president's policies are designed to radically re-engineer the market-based U.S. economy...
- Diane Coyle: Inequality, revisited: "Recently I’ve been dipping into The Contradictions of Capital in the 21st Century: The Piketty Opportunity, edited by Pat Hudson and Keith Tribe...
- Pedro Nicolaci da Costa: Fed may pause rate hikes if inflation weakness persists: "The Federal Reserve is embarking on an annual summer ritual: Downgrading its overly optimistic forecasts for economic growth...
- Here's Why I Never Warmed Up to Bernie Sanders: "As Bill Scher points out, the revolution that Bernie called for didn't show up... :
- David Glasner: Milton Friedman Says that the Rate of Interest Is NOT the Price of Money: Don’t Listen to Him!: "Friedman’s repeated claims that the rate of interest is not the price of money...
- Amanda Bayer and Cecilia Elena Rouse: Diversity in the Economics Profession: A New Attack on an Old Problem: "The economics profession includes disproportionately few women and members of historically underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups...
- Frank Pasquale (2011): Economic Policy for the Worried Wealthy: "Why is the austerity movement so powerful in the US?...
- Noah Smith: Realism in macroeconomic modeling: "Ljungqvist and Sargent are trying to solve the Shimer Puzzle...
- Ann Marie Marciarille: Men First: "The New York Times had quite an interesting article... on cancer biopsy laboratory error rates...
Interesting Reads:
- Richard Zach et al.: Incompleteness and Computability
- Grady Hendrix: Revisiting Stephen King’s It: "It was also a book he dreaded writing. It took four years, and for three of those he let it 'percolate' which is a bestselling author’s way of saying 'I thought about it a lot while buying expensive motorcycles'..."
- Patrick Tomlinson: How Being an Author Changed After the Affordable Care Act: "there has been one notable exception, one bright spark of hope for many authors, musicians, artists, comedians, and creatives of all stripes. That spark has been the Affordable Care Act..."
- Grady Hendrix: The Great Stephen King Reread: Joyland: "Hard Case Crime specializes in publishing books that aren’t what they appear. Everything they release, from Stephen King to Max Allan Collins, gets a painted cover that makes it look like old school, disreputable pulp no matter what the contents..."
- Lawrence Schoen: Buddy, Can You Spare a Thaum? The Economic Metaphors of Max Gladstone’s Craft Sequence Novels | "A good, no, a great metaphor not only has many facets, its facets operate on many levels..."
- Neha Agarwal et al.: Month of birth and child height in 40 countries: "Lokshin and Radyakin (2012) present evidence that month of birth affects child physical growth in India. We replicate these correlations using the same data and demonstrate that they are the result of a spurious relationship between month of birth, age-at-measurement and child growth patterns in developing countries...."
- Daniel Abraham: The Cambist and Lord Iron: A Fairy Tale of Economics | Brad DeLong: A New Kind of Science Fiction... | Paul Krugman: Economic science fiction
- Maximilian Kasy: Empirical Research on Economic Inequality
- Ingrid Robyns: The capability book has been written – though not here: "It didn’t work for me to write bits and pieces here on this blog. I am not sure why that didn’t work for me..."
- Coffeeopolis: Caffeine Database
- Tren Griffin: My views on the market, tech, and everything else
- Andrew W. Lo, H. Allen Orr, and Ruixun Zhang: The growth of relative wealth and the Kelly criterion
- Neuroskeptic: The 9 Circles of Scientific Hell
- David Roberts: As hurricanes and wildfires rage, US climate politics enters the realm of farce: "Conservative opinion is responsive to... the cues of conservative elites. People don’t have strong opinions.... They take their cues on that from trusted tribal leaders.... Conservatives will tend to believe on climate change whatever people on Fox (or talk radio) tell them about climate change. It is conservative elites, and only conservative elites, who have the power to end this surreal farce. Judging from Rush Limbaugh’s take on hurricanes, they do not yet feel any pressure to do so."
- George Dotsis: Option Pricing Methods in the Late 19th Century: "In the late 19th century... investors... had... sophisticated option pricing techniques for determining the prices of at-the-money and slightly out-of-the-money and in-the-money short-term calls and puts... viewed options mainly as instruments to trade volatility..."
- Claudia Sahm: if the shoe fits…
- Peter Temin: The best books on economic history
And Over Here:
- Latter-Day Deipnosophists Watch...
- After the Guns of August: Max Weber: Hoisted from Ten Years Ago
- September 11, 2001: Sixteen Years After...
- Links and Such for the Week of September 10, 2017
- After the Guns of August: Max Weber: Hoisted from Ten Years Ago
- One Year and One Month Ago at Grasping Reality: August 10, 2016
- Live from the Future of the Past: John Holbo: ROBERT HEINLEIN WRITES LETTERS TO EDITORS AND LIBRARIANS: "Enough Lovecraft! Robert Heinlein!..."
- Live from Cal Bear Future Legal Liability Land: Duncan Black: UNPAID PLAYER CONCUSSION GAME: "College football is one of those great mysteries to me..."
- Weekend Reading: Winston S. Churchill: Their Finest Hour
- Comment of the Day: Omega Centauri: WHY IS THE AUSTERITY MOVEMENT SO POWERFUL?: "I think [Frank Pasquale] hits the nail on the head..."
- Should-Read: Nick Bunker: MARKUPS, MACROECONOMICS, AND THE CHANGING U.S. ECONOMY: "Over the past several decades, the U.S. economy experienced changes in key economic metrics that don’t bode well for the welfare of most people..."
- Should-Read: Joseph E. Stiglitz: WHERE MODERN MACROECONOMICS WENT WRONG: "This paper provides a critique of the DSGE models that have come to dominate macroeconomics during the past quarter-century..."
- Should-Read: Matthew Kahn: DOES CULTURE MATTER? THE CASE OF ACADEMIC ECONOMICS: "I stumbled across this very interesting (and depressing) post by Claudia Sahm..."
- Should-Read: Barbara Biasi and Petra Moser: EFFECTS OF COPYRIGHTS ON SCIENCE: EVIDENCE FROM THE WWII BOOK REPUBLICATION PROGRAM: "In 1942, the American Book Republication Program (BRP) allowed US publishers to reprint exact copies of German-owned science books..."
- Should-Read: Caroline Freund and Dario Sidhu: MANUFACTURING AND THE 2016 ELECTION: AN ANALYSIS OF US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DATA: "Much of the public discourse and media analysis of the surprise outcome of the 2016 US presidential election has emphasized the role of manufacturing workers..."
- Should-Read: Peter A. Hall and David Soskice, eds. VARIETIES OF CAPITALISM: THE INSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATIONS OF COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE: "The institutional differences that characterize the ‘varieties of capitalism’ found among the developed economies..."
- Must-See: Bin Yu: THREE PRINCIPLES FOR DATA SCIENCE: PREDICTABILITY, STABILITY, AND COMPUTABILITY: "September 12, 2017 :: 4:10pm to 5:00pm :: 190 Doe Library""
- Should-Read: Austin Clemens: PREVIEWING TOMORROW’S ANNUAL INCOME AND POVERTY REPORT: "'Income and Poverty in the United States', on Tuesday..."
- Should-Read: Michael Boskin (March 6, 2009): OBAMA'S RADICALISM IS KILLING THE DOW: "Our new president's policies are designed to radically re-engineer the market-based U.S. economy..."
- Should-Read: Diane Coyle: INEQUALITY, REVISITED: "Recently I’ve been dipping into The Contradictions of Capital in the 21st Century: The Piketty Opportunity, edited by Pat Hudson and Keith Tribe..."
- Must-Read: Pedro Nicolaci da Costa: FED MAY PAUSE RATE HIKES IF INFLATION WEAKNESS PERSISTS: "The Federal Reserve is embarking on an annual summer ritual: Downgrading its overly optimistic forecasts for economic growth..."
- Should-See: Etsy NY: WINNING CHANGE FOR WOMEN AND FAMILIES: AN EVENING WITH HEATHER BOUSHEY: "Tue, September 12, 2017, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT..."
- Should-Read: Keven Drum: Here's Why I Never Warmed Up to Bernie Sanders: "As Bill Scher points out, the revolution that Bernie called for didn't show up..."
- Should-Read: David Glasner: MILTON FRIEDMAN SAYS THAT THE RATE OF INTEREST IS NOT THE PRICE OF MONEY: DON’T LISTEN TO HIM!: "Friedman’s repeated claims that the rate of interest is not the price of money..."
- Must-Read: Amanda Bayer and Cecilia Elena Rouse: DIVERSITY IN THE ECONOMICS PROFESSION: A NEW ATTACK ON AN OLD PROBLEM: "The economics profession includes disproportionately few women and members of historically underrepresented racial and ethnic minority groups..."
- Should-Read: Noah Smith: REALISM IN MACROECONOMIC MODELING: "Ljungqvist and Sargent are trying to solve the Shimer Puzzle..."
- Must-Read: Frank Pasquale (2011): ECONOMIC POLICY FOR THE WORRIED WEALTHY: "Why is the austerity movement so powerful in the US?..."
- Should-Read: Ann Marie Marciarille: MEN FIRST: "The New York Times had quite an interesting article... on cancer biopsy laboratory error rates..."
Perhaps Worth Looking at...