Monday Smackdown: Treasury Document Translation: Steve Mnuchin Is Not a Professional Treasury Secretary. He and His Personal Staff Are Grifters

Live from the Gehenna That is the Right-Wing Legal Community: Combine Alex Kozinski with Ed Crane and company, and one is reminded of John Stuart Mill's "not that conservatives are stupid, but the stupid tend to be conservative". Not that libertarians are predators and sociopathic bullies, but that predators and sociopathic bullies tend to be libertarians: Paul Campos: Judge Alex Kozinski: "All of this has been known, at least in its broad details, for a long time in the elite legal academic circles that send vulnerable young people off to clerk for sadistic bullies like Kozinski...

...Women law students were warned routinely to steer clear of Kozinski, even though he is one of a handful of so-called “feeder” judges, who send large numbers of their clerks on to clerk for the Supreme Court. (ETA: As Bianca Steele points out in comments, “routinely” doesn’t mean “consistently” or “universally”—Bond herself was, by her own account, told nothing). Clerking for the Supreme Court is a huge boost for all kinds of high status academic careers, so avoiding Kozinski because they didn’t want to be sexually harassed (and perhaps worse—we’ll see) was bad for women as a class....

Three days after this story broke, none of the more prominent legal academic blogs (with the exception of Balkinization) have even noted it, let alone commented on it. I will be particularly curious to see what the gang at the Volokh Conspiracy, who blog at the newspaper that broke the story, have to say, if anything.
