Should-Read: In praise of the truly excellent Tim Jost: Ann Marie Marciarille: Say It Isn't So, Tim: "Sarah Kliff once noted that Tim Jost was 'scary fast/good' with his health law and policy analysis. I could not agree more...

...Tim Jost’s consistently stellar blogging on all things health law and health regulation-related has been a tremendous resource for me and for my students as we work to keep up in a fast-developing area. I wish Tim well in all the spare time he will surely have now that he has decided to end his Health Affairs  ACA-blogging, close to  nine years and over 600 blog posts later. I wonder if some of Tim’s more remarkable posts might not make a fine book of collected essays on health care reform, how the sausage was made. Some of my favorites, for those of you who have not dabbled in this area, include (in no particular order):

Tim, you truly are the horse whisperer of ACA regulatory interpretation and policy analysis. Katie Keith is up and running with quality output, I know. You will be missed...
