Should-Read: Kevin Drum: Uber Really Shouldn’t Be In the Driverless Car Business: "The fact that it’s an Uber car doesn’t surprise me. They’re exactly the kind of company that would cut corners... optics, lousy safety drivers, pushing to drive at night before the software is ready, etc. A corporate culture that’s built to expand their taxi service no matter who gets hurt or who complains might build a good taxi service, but it’s the worst possible culture for mission-critical software.... Uber famously has a corporate culture built around being a bull in a china shop.... This kind of culture might be OK for, say, Facebook, which doesn’t kill people if there are glitches in its apps. But if you’re launching a satellite into space or putting a driverless car on the road, there’s a whole different development and testing ethos involved. Uber just doesn’t have that. I’d barely trust them to develop software for a driverless golf cart, let alone a driverless car...
