Some Fairly Recent Must- and Should-Reads About Our Public Sphere, Now in as Bad Shape as It Has Ever Been (Hi Gerry Baker! Hi Dean Baquet!)
From Miles Kimball's Intermediate Macroeconomics

An enormous amount that I think is right here. And I bunch I think is wrong. And now I have laid down a marker that I have to write down what I think is wrong here, which I will... someday... in my copious spare time But what is right: Miles Kimball: On Teaching and Learning Macroeconomics: "Many... important ideas are missing from most macroeconomic textbooks.... Here are some... I consider so important that I teach them in class:

  1. Increasing returns to scale and imperfect competition as a foundation for macroeconomics....
  2. Why low capital requirements are like having thin, easy-to-topple dominoes and high capital requirements are like having fat, hard-to-topple dominoes.
  3. How the big costs of inflation come from inflation confusing people....
  4. The three wedges between social marginal benefit and social marginal cost of higher employment: price above marginal cost, positive marginal tax rates and labor market distortions....
  5. How tax distortions work....

Anyone who wants to be a B student, an A student or learn even more than that should read the book Make It Stick. I can summarize the main point this way. If you want to get knowledge into long-term memory, reading and rereading won't do the trick. Your brain only puts something into long-term memory if you prove to your brain that it is worth remembering that thing by trying to remember it. So the activity of trying to remember things is the key to learning something not just for the exam tomorrow but learning it for good...

