Dan Ziblatt (2012): Moderation and Radicalization in Conservative Parties: "While we may be correct to assert that 'theories of parties' predict establishment candidates win primaries, this is really a theory about the U.S, particularly... the... Republican Party...
...This... looks different in different countries and different time periods, especially with great consequences in “parties of the right.”... In 19th century Britain, the party leadership nearly always won these kinds of internal battles, giving rise, I would argue to a relatively moderate Tory Party that made its peace with democrac.... In other parties of the “right,” insurgents often beat traditional party leaders in these same kinds of battles in late 19th century. In [Imperial] Germany and Weimar... traditional parties of the right were usurped by “grassroots” and usually right-wing radicals, making German conservative parties persistent opponents of democracy.... When “insurgents” won in parties of the right in Europe’s past, democracy suffered.... While I think you are correct that the establishment candidates will win, it is of course always possible the balance of power in the U.S. Republican Party could change over time—leading, I would argue, to its radicalization...