Ten Years Ago on Grasping Reality: May 24, 2008
For the Weekend...

Some Fairly Recent Must- and Should-Reads About Economic Inequality

Preview of Some Fairly Recent Must and Should Reads About Economic Inequality

  • Alex Bell et al.: Who becomes an inventor in America? The importance of exposure to innovation: "Using deidentified data on 1.2 million inventors from patent records linked to tax records...

  • More and more it looks as though minimum wage laws—and unions—are positive second-best interventions that raise societal wellbeing by blunting the impact of employer monopsony: Kevin Rinz and John Voorheis: The Distributional Effects of Minimum Wages: "States and localities are increasingly experimenting with higher minimum wages in response to rising income inequality and stagnant economic mobility...

  • If you did not read this over at Equitable Growth Value Added a year and a half ago when it came out, you should go read it now: Emmanuel Saez (2016): Taxing the rich more—evidence from the 2013 federal tax increase: "In 2013, a surtax on high earners was levied to help pay for the Affordable Care Act at the same time as the 2001 tax cuts for high-income earners that were signed into law by President George W. Bush expired...
