Ten Years Ago at Grasping Reality: June 22, 2008

June 24, 2008: Ten Years Ago on Grasping Reality

*If you think the Washington Post is an embarrassment in the Age of Trump, it was no better a decade ago: *: Washington Post Death Spiral Watch (Lori Montgomery Edition): Lori Montgomery is giving her bosses up through Len Downie and Katherine Weymouth and Donald Graham what they want, clearly—and what they want is not to inform their readers about the budget.... If Len Downie and company truly want to entertain rather than inform, why not have Lori Montgomery write about Hollywood or professional sports? The people in Hollywood are much more aesthetic than politicians or budget experts. Professional sports not only has prettier and much more athletic people but also superbly structured narrative story lines without the awkward ambiguities and loose ends of government and policy. It is a mystery...

Bear Stearns Hedge Fund Blogging: 47 up months in a row for any fund indicates either (a) they have a hell of a lot of alpha which they are not leveraging sufficiently to make the most money for themselves and their investors, or (b) they are being paid to take on a lot of large and correlated risks for which the bill has just not come due yet...

Curses, Foiled Again!: My time is being absorbed by a large number of very smart and interesting people I haven't heard from in a while: people like Derek Bok, Richard Layard, Louis Gerstner, Michael Lind, Ray Kurzweil, George Soros, Gordon Brown, Frances Cairncross, John Seely Brown, Bill Emmott, and Amartya Sen. They are all across the room clamoring for my attention, encased as they are in rows and rows of these small virtual-reality boxes. You see, when Professor Tyson moved her base of operations back to her Business School office, she left too many of her books behind. So I am now distracted not just by my books, but by hers as well...

Dawn Patrol...: "..."

