Yes. Twitter Has Crap Aggregation Tools
KneelBeforeHat: "Via @SorryWhat_Now_: Senior Hoover fellow enlists college Republicans in bumbling conspiracy to oppo research and 'grind' and 'intimidate' liberals. No doubt this was for campus diversity of thought..."
Angus Johnston: "Historian Niall Ferguson urged conservative students to 'unite against the SJWs' on a Stanford speakers' committee, encouraged "opposition research" on one student member..."
Rules are different for Republicans: Lawrence H. Summers: "If during the Clinton or Obama Administrations there had been a statement from @POTUS or anyone senior official in the morning before the Employment Report it would have been a major scandal—with all sorts of investigations following on..."
[Matthew Yglesias: _ "It was nice of Trump_ to preview the unexpectedly strong jobs numbers this morning and he definitely didn’t do the same thing privately last night to help any rich friends or sons do insider trading..."
Matthew Yglesias: "The key thing, as always, is that every single House Republican and every single Senate Republican wake up every single day and decide to do nothing at all to check Trump’s corruption..."
Dan Davies: "Mattarella looks like he's done his long-term reputation good. He's respected the majority; they can have who they want in the government. And he's preserved the anti majoritarian parts of the constitution; you can't risk major EU treaties unless you explicitly run on that policy..."
Equitable Growth: "Just posted: Stories of #inequality & growth you should be reading. Ft. @KClausing, @SamEyler, @gabriel_zucman, @EmilyRPeck, @AlexiaCampbell & @portereduardo..."
Equitable Growth: "'Greater education and the need for more workers to receive it are not adequate explanations of inequality. The decline in union density is.' @LipstickEcon on new research that links declining unionization to rising #inequality, via @Slate … #EGgrantee..."
Jeet Heer: "Winning: "New SCOOP from Singapore: The U.S. is trying to find a discreet way to pay for Kim Jong Un’s luxury five-start hotel:"
Nouriel Roubini: "So please scam me as u wish as I fork u $4bn!: 'The EOS tokens do not have any rights, uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features, express or implied, including, without limitation, any uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features on the EOS Platform...'"