Ten Years Ago on Grasping Reality: July 10, 2008

IMHO, betting that "even the Tory Party can spot a wrong 'un" seems a lot like drawing to an inside straight: Dan Davies: "The hard brexit types have been bounced into deal which has taught them that they're not as clever as they thought they were. Now they'll react to that with a leadership challenge which will teach them that they're not as popular as they thought they were. It's like education in the Montessori system-each little independence of discovery builds on the next..."

@Atrios: "Is there any kind of 'hard brexit' manifesto or whatever that makes any sense? something which could actually be implemented aside from 'no deal'?"

@dsquareddigest: "Of course not. Any more than Civil War reenactment societies have procurement and logistics corps."

@daveespley: "Isn't there a danger, though, that all they need to do is get a Brexiteer (Gove?) into the final run off, and the blue-rinse/Col Blimps in the country will ensure they win? Surely there are enough hard Brexiteers amongst MPs to make that happen?"

@dsquareddigest: "I strongly suspect that even the Tory Party can spot a wrong 'un when they see one."

@daveespley: "Hope you're right, but not so sure. Nightmare scenario is PM Gove leading a "just walk away" Brexit...

