Monday Smackdown: Who Wants Charles Murray to Speak on Their Campus, and Why?

Seems to me I can think of many reasons why his friends would have told him this would not be a good book to write: Joe Patrice: Law School Professor Has New Murder Mystery: "Law professor who quit Twitter in a temper tantrum is back with a new book.... Earlier this year, the conservative Edmund Burke Society at the University of Chicago advertised an event to discuss whether or not immigrants were 'toilet people'...

...In the uproar, the group’s defenders sloughed off the controversy as “just a joke” and argued that there was no consequence to trafficking in this sort of rhetoric. After all, the Trump administration is to be taken seriously, not literally!.... Chief among the Society’s defenders was Professor M. Todd Henderson... [who] felt the need to defend the vile promotional rhetoric and then whine like a toddler that people are too mean to conservatives—the real victims here! When one student astutely called out this hogwash, Professor Henderson took his bat and ball and went home, quitting Twitter in a huff and writing me a comically nasty email for chronicling the affair.... Apparently, that time away from Twitter has helped Professor Henderson write a murder mystery coming out in October called Mental State:

When conservative law professor Alex Johnson is found dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound at his house in Chicago, everyone thinks it is suicide. Everyone except his brother, Royce, an FBI agent.... Agent Johnson leaves his cases and family to find out who killed his brother. There are many suspects: the ex-wife, an ambitious doctor with expensive tastes and reasons to hate her ex... an African-American student who failed the professor’s course...

