How Likely Are the Great Plains Between the Rocky Foothills and the Missouri to Dry Up and Blow Away?

Economics Gone Wrong. Very Badly Wrong Indeed: Some Fairly-Recent Should- and Must-Reads...

stacks and stacks of books

  • Martin Sandbu: The devastating cost of central banks’ caution: "Timidity on monetary policy since 2008 has been as costly as the financial crisis...

  • Event studies are very dangerous tools if you truly seek robust identification for policies that operate through expectational channels: Joseph Gagnon: QE Skeptics Overstate Their Case: "David Greenlaw, James Hamilton, Ethan Harris, and Kenneth West... argued that the consensus of previous studies overstates the effects of quantitative easing (QE) on long-term interest rates...

  • I am being told that George Borjas still does not understand—or at least says he does not understand—the force of this critique. Can that possibly be true?: Michael A. Clemens and Jennifer Hunt: The Labor Market Effects of Refugee Waves: Reconciling Conflicting Results: "The fraction of blacks is much higher in the post- than pre-Boatlift years in Borjas’s Miami sample...

Paul Krugman (2012): Economics in the Crisis: Weekend Reading

Some Perhaps Cogent Thoughts on the Structure of the Fed, on Productivity Trends, and on Macroeconomic Policy: The Honest Broker for September 14, 2015
