My More Polite Thoughts from Aspen...
A common thread in a bunch of the initial comments here was: valuation and assessment...: We need to settle on a single set of global societal indicators that will have the mindshare that the market financial and other indicators have. I have no answers. I only have a plea for coordination...
Introducing considerations of strategy into development is a very sharp two-edged sword...: The Cold War focused the attention of the entire American government on making the redevelopment of northwest and the development of southwestern Europe and of East Asia... a success...
I remember pressing the Treasury International people on how better funding and more substantive independence for multilateral institutions ought to be a much higher priority...: And then, lo and behold, Bob Dole unleashes Al D'Amato to make trouble about the Mexican financial crisis and the fallout from that leaves the US hobbled with 1997-8 comes around...
The extraordinary disjunction between the two acts of Chiang Kai-Shek's career...: The second act—Chiang Kai-Shek and his Guomindang as rulers of Taiwan after 1949—is one of the most glorious episodes of economic development...
The farmer and the cowman can be friends only when there is a matriarch with a shotgun in the picture...: One reading of world history is that a huge amount of the civilizing process is accomplished when people's mothers and aunts gain social power...
Aspen, CO: In the end, starting up the trail only 18 hours after landing in Aspen was probably a mistake...
Some of My Less Polite Thoughts from Aspen...