The New York Times has a very, very serious quality control problem: Lawrence Douglas and Alexander George (2018-08-23): If Trump shot Michael Cohen in broad daylight, here's what Republicans would say: "House speaker Paul Ryan: 'If these reports are true–I emphasize IF–then yes, I’m very concerned. I don’t think the president should be killing people in broad daylight in front of Tiffany’s. But I’m not a legal expert, I could be wrong.'...
Senator Mitch McConnell: “People die every day in this country. I’m not going to let myself get sidetracked by these distractions”...
Tom Friedman (2018-08-28): What if Trump Did Actually Shoot Someone on Fifth Avenue?: "House Speaker Paul Ryan said, 'We will need more information than is available at this point'...
...Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said through pursed lips that he “was not going to comment on every up and down with this president”...