It is not going to happen. The throne is not going to be kept warm. The American century-and-a-half of potential and century of actual global diplomatic preeminence is over. The question is whether there will be no hegemony, a Chinese hegemony, or an inner alliance of western Europe plus Canada, Japan, and Australia that set the pace: Dan Froomkin: Daalder and Lindsay Say: U.S. Allies Should Keep The Global Leadership 'Throne' Warm For Trump's Successor: "Ivo H. Daalder, who served as Barack Obama’s ambassador to NATO, and James M. Lindsay, a senior vice president of the Council on Foreign Relations, are out with a new book: The Empty Throne: America’s Abdication of Global Leadership. They outline their plan for an interregnum in a companion piece entitled The Committee to Save the World Order published by Foreign Affairs...
...The authors express despair over Trump’s assault on the agreements and protocols developed to “prevent the dog-eat-dog geopolitical competition that triggered World War II.” But they waste no time hoping for Trump to come around. Instead, they propose that the “Committee to Save the World Order” take the U.S.’s traditional seat (throne) for the interim and keep it warm while the regular occupant is off carousing with dictators and launching trade wars. The group, which the authors nickname the “G-9”, would consist of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the EU in Europe; Australia, Japan, and South Korea in Asia; and Canada in North America...