Fairly Recently: Must- and Should-Reads, and Writings... (January 15, 2019)

Abbott Payson Usher (1921): European Economic History: European Industry and Commerce in the Nineteenth Century. Half-course (second half-year). Tu., Th., Sat., at 9. Dr. Usher:

  1. The Industrial Revolution: Usher, Industrial History, Chapters 1, 10, 12, 13, 14 .. Agrarian Movement, Continent: Usher, Industrial History, pp. 112-20; Seeley, Life & Times of Stein, Rand [Benjamin Rand, Selections illustrating Economic History Since the Seven Years’ War. 5th ed. New York: Macmillan, 1911], pp. 86-98; Brentano, Agrarian Reform in Prussia – Econ. Jour. 1-20; Von Sybel, – in Rand, pp. 55-85
  2. Agrarian Movement, England: Usher, Industrial History, pp. 225-40; Curtler, Short History of English Agriculture, pp. 190-262
  3. Agricultural Depression: Prothero, R. E. (Baron Ernle) English Farming Past & Present, pp. 316-31, 346-418; Usher, Industrial History, pp. 240-47
  4. Free Trade Movement, England: Armitage-Smith, Free Trade & Its Results, 39-60, 130-163; Morley, Life of Cobden, chs. XV & XVI
  5. Tariff History, Continent: Ashley, P. Modern Tariff History, (1910) 3-63, 359-372
  6. Recent Tariff History: U. S. Tariff Commission, Reciprocity & Commercial Treaties, 461-510
  7. Commerce & Shipping: Bowley, England’s Foreign Trade in the 19th Century, ed. 1905 pp. 55-96; Grosvenor, Gov’t Aid to Merchant Shipping, 45-61, 75-86, 135-65
  8. Transportation – Private Ownership: Cunningham, W. J. Characteristics of British R.R., N.E.R.R. Club 8-60; Usher, Industrial History, chs. 17 and 18
  9. Transportation – State Ownership: Raper, Railway Transportation, pp. 134-177, 278-305
  10. Industrial Development: England: Ashley, W. J. ed. British Industries, 2-38 (Jeans, British Iron and Steel/1902); Clapham, J. H. Woolen & Worsted Industry, 1-24, 125-173
  11. Industrial Development: Continent: Copeland, Cotton Manufacturing Industry, 275-311
  12. Industrial Combination: British Ministry of Reconstruction, Report on Trusts, 1919, pp. 15-30; Marshall, Industry & Trade, pp. 544-65, 577-98; Usher, Industrial History, ch. 19
  13. Banking & Finance: Riesser, The German Great Banks, 703-750; Andréadès, History of the Bank of England, 331-69
  14. Labor Problems & Public Health: Usher, Industrial History, chs. 15, 16 & ch. 20 secs. 2 & 3

Irwin Collier: "Abbott Payson Usher (1883-1965) first taught his nineteenth century European economic history course at Harvard in the fall semester of 1921-22 at the rank of Lecturer. Usher received his A.B., A.M. and Ph.D. from Harvard in 1904, 1905, 1910, respectively.... Before returning to Harvard, Usher was professor of History of Commerce and Economic History of the College of Business Administration at Boston University for the 1920-21 academic year [possibly 1921-22 too?], coming from Cornell University where he taught as Instructor (1910-14) and then Assistant Professor of Economics (1914-1920)...

Source: Harvard University. Announcement of the Courses of Instruction offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for the Academic Year 1921-22, 3rd edition. p. 109.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Syllabi, course outlines and reading lists in Economics, 1895-2003. Box 1, Folder “Economics, 1921-1922...

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