Irwin Collier presents my Great-Great-Uncle Abbott's 1922 exam: Abbott Payson Usher: Final Exam Questions for: European Industry and Commerce in the Nineteenth Century, 1922:

Usher 1923 Album

  • What problems were created by the Industrial Revolution? To what extent have they been solved?
  • Compare and give a critical estimate of the ways in which England and Denmark attempted to deal with the problems of the reform of land tenures, field systems, and rural organization?
  • What were the contributions of Sir Robert Peel and Richard Cobden: (a) to the repeal of the Corn Laws? (b) to the general establishment of the Free Trade policy?
  • What was meant about 1836 by the phrase “the railway is by nature a monopoly”?
  • What was the general policy of the English government on the issue of monopoly of railway facilities? How did this policy affect the development of the railway network in England?
  • Discuss the condition of the fundamental industries in England between 1870 and 1914. What are the prospects for the future!
  • What was the role played by the German banks in industrial combinations?
  • Comment or explain: chartism; the Newcastle coal vend; the Bradford Conditioning House; multiple tariff schedule; the basic process.

Source: Harvard University Archives. Harvard University. Final Examinations, 1853-2001 (HUC 7000.28, Box 64 of 284). Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Papers Set for Final Examinations: History, Church History, … , Economics, … , Social Ethics, Education, June, 1922.

Image Source: Harvard Class Album, 1923....

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