Andrew Prokup: Roger Stone Indictment: "The actual charges against... don’t allege that he committed any crimes during the 2016 campaign. They allege, instead, that he attempted to obstruct investigations into what happened afterward. By 2017, Stone was putting forward with an apparent cover story for whatever actually did happen in 2016. He was insisting that everything he heard about Assange and WikiLeaks came from just one person—talk radio host Randy Credico.... So when Stone went to testify before the House Intelligence Committee in closed session in September 2017, he stuck to that story. Mueller has indicted Stone for five counts of false statements during that testimony.... Stone was also charged with witness tampering his efforts to get Credico to stick to his false story. '"Stonewall it. Plead the fifth. Anything to save the plan"... Richard Nixon', Stone texted Credico at one point. 'If you turned over anything to the FBI you’re a fool', he later said. And eventually — when Credico wouldn’t stick to the story—Stone got angrier. 'You are a rat. A stoolie. You backstab your friends', Stone wrote Credico in April 2018...