Should I say that I actually wanted to give a slightly more nuanced take? Or should I just accept my karma, for Twitter is not for nuance? "Essentially" does too much work here: Propane Jane: On Twitter: "Here’s why economist Brad DeLong believes libertarianism is essentially a form of White supremacy.... Cody Fenwick: Here’s Why Economist Brad Delong Believes Libertarianism Is Essentially a Form of White Supremacy: 'Libertarianism "is a Frankenstein’s monster" that got its power from resistance to the Civil Rights Movement...
...[DeLong] continued:
Dismantling the New Deal and rolling back the social insurance state were not ideas that had much potential political-economy juice back in the 1950s and 1960s. But if the economic libertarian cause of dismantling the New Deal could be harnessed to the cause of white supremacy—if one of the key liberties that libertarians were fighting to defend was the liberty to discriminate against and oppress the Negroes—than all of a sudden you could have a political movement that might get somewhere. And so James Buchanan and the other libertarians to the right of Milton Friedman made the freedom to discriminate—or perhaps the power to discriminate?—a key one of the liberties that they were fighting for in their fight against BIG GOVERNMENT. And this has poisoned American libertarianism ever since...
And, of course, while the Old Libertarians thought that they had locked the White Supremacists ion with them, actually they had locked themselves in with the white Supremacists...