Paul Krugman: America the Cowardly Bully: "This is the way the trade war ends. Not with a bang but with empty bombast. According to multiple news organizations, the U.S. and China are close to a deal that would effectively end trade hostilities. Under the reported deal, America would remove most of the tariffs it imposed last year. China, for its part, would end its retaliatory tariffs, make some changes to its investment and competition policies and direct state enterprises to buy specified amounts of U.S. agricultural and energy products. The Trump administration will, of course, trumpet the deal as a triumph. In reality, however, it’s much ado about nothing much.... It will repeat what we saw on the North American Free Trade Agreement, which Trump denounced as the 'worst trade deal ever made'.” In the end, what Trump negotiated... was very similar to the previous status quo. Trade experts I know, when not referring to it as the Village People agreement, call it 'Nafta 0.8': fundamentally the same as Nafta, but a bit worse...

