Collecting Talking Points...
Is it worth while to try to collect all of the "talking points" I have prepared over the years?
Talking Points:
Economics, Identity, and the Democratic Recession: CFR April 9, 2019
On MSNBC: March 5, 2019: "The Obama Administration and Its Misperceptions, and Other Topics...
Commonwealth Club Talking Points and snippets: January 26, 2019
Employment Situation: March 2017: Nearly every indicator except the headline unemployment rate suggests an economy with no labor-side inflationary pressure and substantial headroom for cyclical growth:
Today's Election-in-Process Talking Points: November 4, 2008
Deficit Spending and the Recovery: KQED Forum, September 4, 2009, 9 AM PDT, 88.5FM, San Francisco
Every Time I Try to Crawl Out, They Pull Me Back in!: June 2008
The 2008 Federal Budget: Radio: KQED Forum 88.5 FM 9:00 AM Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Why Oh Why Are We Ruled by These Idiots? (Social Security Edition): May 2005
Talking Points: Page:
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