The Death of Stalin: Jason Isaacs as Georgy Zhukov Arrives at Stalin's Funeral: For the Weekend
Annette Gordon-Reed: Some thoughts about Sally Hemings: Weekend Reading

Josiah Ober: Fall 2019 Sather Lectures: The Greeks and the Rational: The Discovery of Practical Reason: "September 19... Gyges’ Choice: Rationality and Visibility Maude Fife Room, 315 Wheeler Hall, 7:00pm. September 26... Glaucon’s Dilemma: Origins of Social Order 370 Dwinelle Hall, 5:30pm. October 3... Deioces’ Ultimatum: How to Choose a King.... October 10... Cleisthenes’ Wager: Democratic Rationality.... October 17... Melos’ Prospects: Rational Domination.... October 24... Agamemnon’s Cluelessness: Reason and Eudaimonia...

