Fairly Recently: Must- and Should-Reads, and Writings... (August 11, 2019)

I still don't understand whether Scaramucci has had a genuine Road-to-Damascus moment or whether he has decided that the wind has shifted, and there is more money to be earned via affinity fraud by being anti-Trump than pro-Trump. In either case, it is information that this is happening:

Anthony Scaramucci: The Mooch Says GOP Needs Someone To Replace Trump On The Ticket: "So you and Alisyn have often asked me that and people say, okay, where's the red line where you break from your support from somebody. Because remember, loyalty is symmetrical. It's not asymmetric. What I said to you last week was, geez, this is really polarizing. this is very divisive. As a supporter of his, I would caution we not go in this. You brought up stochastic terrorism. I brought up how this charged rhetoric coming from the bully pulpit of the presidency could lead to some unintended tragic consequences. All I said was, 'I wish the president would stop doing that.' One scintilla of criticism, you get this sort of backlash. And so for me, it's one step too far with the racial charging of his rhetoric and his twitter feet. and you could say, okay, the only reason you're breaking from him now is that he went after you specifically on Twitter. And I'll accept that. I think that to me was a big turning point because I'm looking at that saying, wait a minute. I'm out here supporting him. The guy fired me two years ago. I have been super loyal to this guy, super loyal to the president's agenda. But there's something wrong with the guy as a leader if he can't take constructive criticism or advice from people that have been super loyal to him...

And, of course, I am still trying to wrap my head around this: "Scaramucci... is a stock clown character of the 16th-century commedia dell'arte.... The role combined characteristics of the Zanni (servant) and the Capitano (masked henchman), with some assortment of villainous traits. Usually attired in black Spanish dress and burlesquing a Don, he was often beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice..."

