Very Briefly Noted 2019-10-29:

  1. Boing Boing: Multi-Tools

  2. Daniella Thompson: High-Peaked Colonial Revival, a Bay Area Phenomenon

  3. Nadiezda Kizenko (2000): A Prodigal Saint: Father John of Kronstadt and the Russian People "Three introductory comments.... While I have tried to do justice to a figure as complex as Father John, this is not a hagiography.... Because I intend this book... for readers... interest[ed] in the history of Russia and... of Christianity, I have included background material.... I am well aware that Father John still sparks intense reactions...

  4. Orlando Letelier: The ‘Chicago Boys’ in Chile: Economic Freedom’s Awful Toll 'Repression for the majorities and “economic freedom” for small privileged groups are two sides of the same coin...

  5. Joshua Gans: Does Being Rich Make You Better at Allocating Capital?

  6. Steven Greenhouse: Where Are the Workers When We Talk About the Future of Work? 'CEOs, Silicon Valley investors, and techno-academics talk to themselves about new technologies, but workers must have a say in these debates as well...

  7. Emily Stewart: Elizabeth Warren Has a Lot of Supporters on Wall Street Over Trump '“I’m fully on board with soaking the rich, 100 percent, and if that involves me paying more taxes, let’s go”...

  8. João Medeiros: This Economist Has a Plan to Fix Capitalism. It's Time We All Listened 'Mariana Mazzucato has demonstrated that the real driver of innovation isn't lone geniuses but state investment. Now she's working with the UK government, EU and UN to apply her moonshot approach to the world's biggest challenges...

#noted #verybrieflynoted #2019-10-29
