It is very hard, given China's growth over the past two generations plus its outstripping those economies that were its peers in the 1980s, to criticize Chinese macroeconomic and industrial policy. Nevertheless, we economists keep trying—and thus, implicitly at least, reinforcing our reputation for arrogance by hinting that we could have done it better: Panle Jia Barwick, Myrto Kalouptsidi, and Nahim Bin Zahur: China's Industrial Policy: an Empirical Evaluation 'Despite the historic prevalence of industrial policy and its current popularity, few empirical studies directly evaluate its welfare consequences. This paper examines an important industrial policy in China in the 2000s, aiming to propel the country's shipbuilding industry to the largest globally. Using comprehensive data on shipyards worldwide and a dynamic model of firm entry, exit, investment, and production, we find that the scale of the policy was massive and boosted China's domestic investment, entry, and world market share dramatically. On the other hand, it created sizable distortions and led to increased industry fragmentation and idleness. The effectiveness of different policy instruments is mixed: production and investment subsidies can be justified by market share considerations, but entry subsidies are wasteful. Finally, the distortions could have been significantly reduced by implementing counter-cyclical policies and by targeting subsidies towards more productive firms...

#noted #2019-12-26
