Scalzi: Five Things: July 7, 2020—Noted
John Scalzi: Five Things: July 7, 2020 ‘Donald Trump a father-damaged sociopath: Or so suggests niece Mary Trump in her new book.... My own very quick take.... Honestly at this point if you don’t know Donald Trump is a terrible person, it’s because you’ve decided you don’t want to know.... Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro tests positive for coronavirus: Which, well, good, since he’s pretty much the only major world leader further into denial about the virus than our own president.... I wouldn’t feel entirely put out if the virus kicked his ass... a lot. Him coming out... with minimal effect... would probably be even worse... since he really does seem like the “see, it wasn’t so bad, f--- you for thinking otherwise” sort.... This wouldn’t have any upside for that country’s citizens. Lin-Manuel Miranda with a healthy response to Hamilton criticisms.... “I had a lot to cover and two and a half hours to cover it all, choices were made, criticize away,” which is a) a very sensible way of dealing with criticism, b) easy to say when the art in question has garnered one Tonys and Pulitzers and literally millions of dollars.... Also, bluntly, criticism means the work is still alive in culture. That’s not chopped liver for an artist… .#noted #2020-07-07