For Students:
- Tools: Assessment and Refresher
- This Is Berkeley
- A Liberal Education
- Tools: Analyzing Growth
- America: Map Exercise
- Street-Fighting Mathematics and Other Tools
- Other initial possible orienting readings
For Teachers:
- Letter of Introduction
- Who Are You?
- Introduction to Technology in Coursework | Textbooks for the 21st Century | Intro to Python on Microsoft Azure
- Technology, etc.: 2017-08-13 Introduction to Technology in Coursework....ipynb
- Buy your iClicker2. Register it. Bring it to the first (and all subsequent) classes
- Familiarize yourself with the components of the Syllabus (link):
- Course administration skeleton link
- Course topics, readings, assignments, and exams (link)
- Course communication:
- Brad DeLong office hours: physical and virtual: Evans 691A/Blum Center 220C/César E. Chávez Student Learning Center TBD/[email protected]> | TBD
- GSIs office hours
- Other resources
- Do the Readings, and Take the Readings Quiz:
- Take the Background Assessments: Math Background Assessment | History and Moral Philosophy Background Assessment | Economics Background Assessment
- Writing:
- Email to GSI Expectations and Background: By 24 hours before your first section meeting, please send a 150- to 300-word email to your GSI, including your name, your email, and anything about yourself that you would like to share and believe would help the GSI understand where you are coming from. Please attach a photo of yourself.
- Email to Lecturer: By 5:00 PM Friday before classes start, please send a 150- to 300-word email to the lecturer at [email protected]. Describe (a) your background and (b) why you are taking this course.
- Admin: Office Hours
- Admin: Course Mechanics
Possible Initial Orienting Readings:
- Robert Allen: Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction: | [Discussion Questions on and Passages from Allen][] | Take the Quiz: [Allen Historical Background][] | Allen Global Economic History Background 115
- Rose Director and Milton Friedman: Free to Choose: A Personal Statement:
- Paul Seabright: The Company of Strangers: A Natural History of Economic Life:
- Tom Slee: No One Makes You Shop at Wal-Mart: The Surprising Deceptions of Individual Choice :
- Jared Diamond: Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies:
- Paul Boyer: American History: A Very Short Introduction Boyer American History Background 113
- Partha Dasgupta: Economics: A Very Short Introduction Quiz: Dasgupta Economics Background 1 & 2
- Robert Skidelsky: Keynes: A Very Short Introduction Start with the first paragraph of chapter 1, then skip forward to chapter 3, read to the end, and then go back to read the Introduction and chapters 1 and 2. Quiz: Skidelsky Keynes Background 101b
- Avinash Dixit: Microeconomics: A Very Short Introduction Quiz: Dixit Microeconomics Background 101a
Optional Topic: Thinking Like an Economist
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