Econ 101b Spring 2018 Topics and Assignments
- Sanjay Chu: Modern Macroeconomics
- Blanchard: Macroeconomics!/[email protected]:0
- Jones: Macroeconomics
- 2017-08-13 Introduction to Technology in Coursework....ipynb
- TTh 8:00 am - 9:29 am: Cory 277
- TTh 5:00 pm - 5:59 pm: Latimer 105
- TTh 6:00 pm - 6:59 pm: LeConte 385
- WM 3:00 pm - 3:59 pm: Cory 289
- WM 4:00 pm - 4:59 pm: LeConte 385
- 2018-01-16 Tu: Overview
- 2016-01-18 Th: Logistics
- PS 1: Python
- 2018-01-23 Tu: The Solow Growth Model and Modern Economic Growth (In-class quiz)
- 2018-01-25 Th: How Well Does the SGM Fit MEG?: Time Series
- 2018-01-30 Tu: How Well Does the SGM Fit MEG?: Cross Sections (In-class quiz)
- PS 2: SGM
- 2018-02-01 Th: Where Do n, g, & s Come From?
- 2018-02-06 Tu: The Long Reign of Thomas Malthus (In-class quiz)
- PS 3: How Well Does the SGM Fit?
- 2018-02-08 Th: Endogenous Growth: Two Heads Are Better than One
- 2018-02-13 Tu: Why Was the Industrial Revolution so Long Delayed? Why Did the Industrial Revolution Come so Soon? (In-class quiz)
- PS 4: Malthus and Two Heads Are Better than One
- 2018-02-15 Th: The Demographic Transition and the Coming of MEG
- 2018-02-20 Tu: The Combined and Uneven Diffusion of Frontier Technology and Institutions (In-class quiz)
- PS 5: The Coming and Spread of MEG
- 2018-02-22 Th: How Fast Is Economic Growth, Really?
- 2018-02-27 Tu: Property Rights and Growth Today (In-class quiz)
- PS 6: Information Growth Economics
- 2018-03-01 Th: What Is a "General Glut"? (In-class quiz)
- 2018-03-06 Tu: No "General Gluts" in a Flex-Price Financial Distress-Free World
- 2018-03-08 Th: Fixing the Price Level and Interest Rates: The Keynesian Cross (In-class quiz)
- 2018-03-13 Tu: Fixing the Price Level: IS-LM
- PS 7: The Flex-Price Distress-Free Economy
- 2018-03-15 Th: Financial Distress: IS-LM with a Financial Wedge (In-class quiz)
- 2018-03-20 Tu: The Phillips Curve and Supply Shocks
- PS 8: Keynesian Cross and IS-LM
- 2018-03-22 Th: Dynamics Under Static, Adaptive, and Rational Expectations (In-class quiz)
- 2018-04-03 Tu: Monetary Policy Rules
- PS 9: Phillips Curve and Inflation Dynamics
- 2018-04-05 Th: The Zero Lower Bound (In-class quiz)
- 2018-04-10 Tu: Proper Financial Regulation for Macroeconomic Stability
- PS 10: Policy Rules
- 2018-04-12 Th: "Hysteresis" (In-class quiz)
- 2018-04-17 Tu: "Secular Stagnation"
- PS 11: Pulling All of Cycles Together
- 2018-04-19 Th: The Government Budget Constraint and Abba Lernerism (In-class quiz)
- 2018-04-24 Tu: Demand Management as Near-Laissez Faire Utopia?
- PS 12: Advanced Topics...
Review and Final
- 2018-04-26 Th: Cycles: What You Need to Relearn for the Exam (In-class quiz)
- PS 13: Exam Preparation
- 2018-05-10 7:00 pm - 10 pm: FINAL EXAM
Grading Points:
- 45 = final
- 45 = 3 x 15 problem sets
- When should problem sets be due? (My guess is that 2:00 pm Wednesday makes the most sense.)
- 12 = clickers (24 opportunities to earn half a point)
- 13 = once-a-week in-class quizzes
110 point total
- Diana Arce Rayna... (first half)
- Zhimin Li... (second half)
Before Class Begins
- Robert Skidelsky: Keynes: A Very Short Introduction Start with the first paragraph of chapter 1, then skip forward to chapters 3-5, then read the Epilogue. After that, go back to read the Introduction, chapters 1 and 2, and then chapter 6.
- DeLong and Olney 3rd ed., chs 1-2. Take the "Introduction" and the "Measuring" quizzes.
- Brad DeLong: What Do Econ Students Need to Remember Most from the Course?
- 2017-01-21 Su 5 PM: Online Skidelsky Keynes Background quiz due
- 2017-01-21 Su 5 PM: Online Introduction quiz due
- 2017-01-21 Su 5 PM: Online Measuring" quizzes due
- 2017-01-21 Su 5 PM: (1) Intro to Python/Math Review Problem Set out
2017-01-17 We: Introduction Logistics, BIG IDEAS, Tools...; D&E ch. 4
- 2017-01-21 Su 5 PM: (1) Intro to Python/Math Review Problem Set due
- 2017-01-21 Su 5 PM: (2) Economic Growth Problem Set out
Long-Run Economic Growth
2017-01-22 Mo: Theories of Economic Growth; D&E ch. 4
2017-01-24 We: Malthusian Economies and the Great Transition; D&E ch. 5 (first third)
2017-01-29 Mo: Modern American Economic Growth; D&E ch. 5 (second third)
2017-01-31 We: Cross-Country Income Differentials; D&E ch. 5 (last third)
- 2017-02-04 Su 5 PM: (2) Economic Growth Problem Set due
- 2017-02-04 Su 5 PM: (2a) Sample Midterm One out
2017-02-05 Mo: Scenarios for the Future; D&E ch. 6
2017-02-07 We: Instructor Reality Check "Midterm"; (read D&E ch. 3)
- 2017-02-11 Su 5 PM: (3) Flexible Price Economy Problem Set out
Short-Run Economic Fluctuations: Flexible-Price Macroeconomics
2017-02-12 Mo: General Gluts; D&E ch. 7
2017-02-14 We: The Full-Employment Long-Run Flexible-Price Macroeconomy: Behavioral Relationships; D&E ch. 8
2017-02-21 We: The Flexible-Price Economy; D&E ch. 9
- 2017-02-25 Su 5 PM: (3) Flexible Price Economy Problem Set due
- 2017-02-25 Su 5 PM: (4) Sticky Price Economy Problem Set out
2017-02-26 Mo: Inflation in the Flexible-Price Economy; D&E ch. 10
Short-Run Economic Fluctuations: Sticky-Price Macroeconomics
2017-02-28 We: The Sticky-Price Short-Run Macroeconomy: The Multiplier; D&E ch. 11
2017-02-05 Mo: The IS Curve; D&E ch. 12
2017-03-07 We: Financial Crises:; D&E ch. 13
- 2017-03-11 Su 5 PM: (4) Sticky Price Economy Problem Set due
- 2017-03-11 Su 5 PM: (5) Sample Second Midterm Problem Set out
2017-03-12 Mo: The Phillips Curve; D&E ch. 15
Macroeconomic Policy
2017-03-14 We: 5tabilization Policy D&E ch. 16
- 2017-03-16 Fr 5 PM: (5) Sample Second Midterm Problem Set due
2017-03-19 Mo: Second Midterm (read D&E ch. 14)
2017-03-21 We: Life at the Zero Lower Bound; D&E ch. 17
- 2017-04-01 Su 5 PM: (6) Sticky-Price Economy Advanced Problem Set out
2017-04-02 Mo: Fiscal Policy Dilemmas; D&E ch. 18
2017-04-04 We: Secular Stagnation; D&E ch. 19
2017-04-09 Mo: The Medium Run: Hysteresis; D&E ch. 20
2017-04-11 We: International Economic Policy; D&E ch. 21
- 2017-04-15 Su 5 PM: (6) Sticky-Price Economy Advanced Problem Set due
- 2017-04-15 Su 5 PM: (7) International Economy/Understanding/Forecasting Problem Set out
2017-04-16 Mo: Changes in the Macroeconomy; D&E ch. 22
2017-04-18 We: The History of Macroeconomics; D&E ch. 23 (first half)
2017-04-23 Mo: Understanding 2005-2018 and Forecasting 2018-?:
2017-04-25 We: The Future of Macroeconomics;D&E ch. 23 (second half)
- 2017-04-29 Su 5 PM: (7) International Economy/Understanding/Forecasting Problem Set due
- 2017-04-29 Su 5 PM: (7a) Sample Final Exam Out
2017-05-07 Mo – 2017-05-11 Fr: Exam:
+ + + +
DeLong and Olney: Macroeconomics 3rd Edition Planning
Sections, subsections, and non-example boxes
I. Orientation
(I) Introduction (REV)
(1) Introduction to Macroeconomics
What is Macroeconomics?
- Why Macroeconomics Matters
- Cultural literacy
- Self interest
- BOX: Data: Macroeconomic policy and your quality of life
- Civic responsibility
- BOX: Economic policy and political popularity
- Macroeconomic Policy
- Growth policy
- Stabilization policy
- Macroeconomics vs. Microeconomics
- Why Macroeconomics Matters
Tracking the Macroeconomy
- Economic Statistics and Economic Activity
- Six Key Variables
- Real national product
- BOX: Tools: Accounting definitions and statistical discrepancies
- BOX: Data: Real national product per worker in the United States
- The employment rate (REV)
- BOX: Data: Employment, non-employment, and unemployment rates
- The inflation rate
- BOX: Data: U.S. inflation rates
- The interest rate
- BOX: Data: Real interest rates
- The stock market
- BOX: Data: The stock market
- The exchange rate
- BOX: Details: The exchange rate
- Real national product
The Current Macroeconomic Situation
- The United States
- Europe
- Japan
- China (NEW)
- Emerging Markets (REV)
(2) Measuring the Macroeconomy
- Macroeconomic Data
The Exchange Rate
- Nominal vs. Real Exchange Rates
- The Real Exchange Rate
- Calculating the real exchange rate
- Index numbers
- BOX: Details: Chain, Lapeyres and Paasche index numbers
- Index numbers
- Calculating the real exchange rate
The Stock Market and the Interest Rates
- The Stock Market
- The usefulness of knowledge about the stock market
- The stock market summarizes a lot of information
- The Interest Rates
- The Stock Market
The Price Level and Inflation
- The Consumer Price Index
- The PCE deflator (NEW)
- Kinds of index numbers (REV)
- The Inflation Rate
- Core inflation
- The Consumer Price Index
The Employment Rate (REV)
- Employment and Unemployment (NEW)
- Assessing full employment (NEW)
- Calculating the unemployment rate
- Understanding the unemployment business cycle (NEW)
- Okun's Law (REV)
- BOX: Details: Forms of Okun's Law
- Employment and Unemployment (NEW)
Real National Product
- Calculating Real National Product
- Real and Nominal National Product
- Intermediate Goods, Inventories, and Imputations
- Intermediate goods
- Inventories
- Imputations
- National Product and National Utility (NEW)
- Value of production and human utility (NEW)
- Inequality and human utility (NEW)
- Utility and human well-being (NEW)
- Components of National Product
- What Is and Is Not in National Product
- Gross output, depreciation, and net output
- Government purchases
- National product and national income
- Things that are not in national product—but should be
- Depreciation, pollution, and other "bads"
(3) Thinking Like an Economist
Economics: What Kind of Discipline Is It?
- A Social Science
- A Quantitative Social Science
- An Abstract Social Science
The Rhetoric of Economics
- Analogies and Metaphors
- Markets
- Equilibrium
- Graphs and Equations
Model Building: Assumptions
- Simplification
- Representative Agents
- Opportunity Cost
- Expectations
- Static
- Adaptive
- Rational
- Other kinds—Panglossian and Eeyoreian (NEW)
"Solving" Models
- Behavioral Relationships
- BOX: Tools: Working with exponents
- Equilibrium Conditions
- Model Solutions
- Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Coefficients
- Parameters
- BOX: Tools: Mathematical rules of thumb
- Analytic geometry
- The Advantages of Math (REV)
- Behavioral Relationships
II. Long-Run Economic Growth
(I) Introduction
(4) Theories of Economic Growth
Theoretical Sources of Long-Run Growth
- The Efficiency of Labor (REV)
- The level of technology
- The availability of natural resources (NEW)
- Capital Intensity
- Fitting the Two Together
- Demography (NEW)
- The Efficiency of Labor (REV)
The Solow Growth Model (REV)
- The Production Function (REV)
- BOX: Details: Forms of the production function
- Saving, Investment, and Capital Accumulation (REV)
- Adding in Labor-Force and Labor-Efficiency Growth (REV)
- The Balanced-Growth Capital-Output Ratio (REV)
- The Production Function (REV)
Understanding the Solow Growth Model (REV)
- Balanced-Growth Output per Worker (REV)
- Off the Balanced-Growth Path (REV)
- How fast the economy head for its balanced-growth path (REV)
- Using the Solow Growth Model (REV)
- The savings rate and the price of capital goods (REV)
- The labor force growth rate (REV)
- The growth rate of the efficiency of labor (REV)
The Malthusian Non-Growth Model (NEW)
- Efficiency of Labor (NEW)
- Resource scarcity (NEW)
- Extremely low technological progress (NEW)
- Prosperity and Population Growth (NEW)
- The positive check (NEW)
- The preventative check (NEW)
- Malthusian equilibrium: life nasty, brutish, and short (NEW)
- BOX: Details: Understanding the Malthusian economy
- Efficiency of Labor (NEW)
Determinants of Technological and Organizational Progress (NEW)
- Two Heads Are Better than One (NEW)
- Culture (NEW)
- Institutions (NEW)
- Incentives (NEW)
(5) The Reality of Economic Growth: History
After the Invention of Agriculture (REV)
- Premodern Economies (REV)
- Prosperity and Labor Force Growth (REV)
- The Malthusian Trap (REV)
- Why Was Technological and Organizational Progress so Slow? (REV)
The Industrial Revolution (REV)
- The End of the Malthusian Age (REV)
- The initial breakthrough (REV)
- The demographic transition (REV)
- Industrial Revolution (REV)
- The End of the Malthusian Age (REV)
Modern American Economic Growth
- American Growth, 1800-1870
- American Growth, 1870-1973
- The pace of economic growth
- Structural change
- America's edge
- The Great Depression and World War II
- The Productivity Slowdown, 1973-1995
- BOX: Details: Did real standards of living decline during the productivity slowdown period?
- American Economic Growth, 1995-2007 (REV)
- The productivity growth slowdown (REV)
- The Information Age speedup (REV)
- American Economic Growth, 2007-Present (NEW)
- Financial crisis and the Great Recession (NEW)
- Low investment (NEW)
- "Hysteresis" (NEW)
Modern Economic Growth Around the World
- Divergence, Bigtime
- BOX: Tools: Purchasing power parity and real exchange rate comparisons
- The exception: the OECD
- BOX: Policy: Why have these countries converged?
- The rule: divergence behind the Iron Curtain
- The rule: divergence in merging markets
- China and the Pacific Rim (NEW)
- The Pacific Rim (REV)
- BOX: Policy: The Pacific Rim miracle
- China (NEW)
- BOX: Policy: The Chinese supermiracle
- The Pacific Rim (REV)
- Sources of Divergence
- Global patterns
- Cause and effect, effect, and cause
- BOX: Policy: Post-communism
- Cause and effect, effect, and cause
- Global patterns
- Global and within-National Inequality (NEW)
- Divergence, Bigtime
(6) The Reality of Economic Growth: Prospect
Hopes for Convergence
- Relative and Absolute Stagnation
- Half Empty and Half Full
Policies for Saving, Investment, and Education
- Saving and Investment
- A high pressure economy
- Education
- Saving and Investment
Policies for Technological Advance and Organizational Improvement (REV)
- invention and innovation (REV)
- Rivalry and excludability (REV)
- Patents and copyrights (REV)
- Government failure (REV)
- invention and innovation (REV)
"Neoliberalism" (REV)
Future Growth and Inequality (NEW)
III. Flexible-Price Macroeconomics
(7) Circular Flows and General Gluts (NEW)
The Circular Flow of Economic Activity (REV)
- The Circular Flow Diagram (REV)
- Different Measures of the Circular Flow: Demand, Sales, Production, Income, Spending (REV)
- Walras's Law, Say's Law, and the Circular Flow (NEW)
Breaking the Automatic Equality of the Circular Flow (NEW)
- Money Is a Special Commodity (NEW)
- Excess Demand for Money: Depression and "General Glut" (NEW)
- Excess Supply of Money: Inflation and "Too Much Money Chasing too Few Goods" (NEW)
- What Is "Money" Here? (NEW)
- Liquid assets (NEW)
- Safe assets (NEW)
- Savings vehicles (NEW)
(8) Building Blocks of the Flexible-Price Model
Potential Output and Real Wages
- The Production Function (REV)
- The Invariance of Potential Output to the Cycle (NEW)
- The Labor Market
- Labor demand
- Labor supply
- Labor market equilibrium and real wages (REV)
Spending on Domestically-Produced Goods
- Consumption Spending
- Household decisions
- The marginal propensity to consume
- Baseline consumption
- Investment Spending
* BOX: Details: Kinds of investment
- Why firms invest
- Interest rates
- Animal spirits
- The role of expectations
- The investment function
- Why firms invest
- Government purchases
- Net exports
- Consumption Spending
The Role of International Trade
- Gross exports
- Imports
- Net exports
- The exchange rate
- The role of interest rates and expectations
- BOX: Details: The j-curve
- The role of interest rates and expectations
(9) Equilibrium in the Flexible-Price Model
Full Employment Equilibrium
- The Flow-of-Funds Approach
- The Assumption of Wage and Price Flexibility
- BOX: Details: If prices were truly flexible
Two Approaches, One Model
- Using the Circular Flow Diagram
- BOX: Details: Financial transactions and the flow of funds
- Using Some Algebra
- Unpacking the Flow-of-Funds Equation
- Using the Circular Flow Diagram
The Real Interest Rate Is What Adjusts to Lead to Equilibrium
- Graphing the Saving-Investment Relationship
- BOX: Details: Deriving the equilibrium interest rate equation
- The Adjustment to Equilibrium
- Graphing the Saving-Investment Relationship
Using the Model: What Makes the Real Interest Rate Change?
- The Effect of a Change in Saving
- The Effect of a Change in Investment Demand
- The Effect of a Change in Government Purchases
- The Effect of a Change in Demand for Exports
Calculating the Equilibrium Real Interest Rate: Some Algrebra
- The Formula for the Equilibrium Real Interest Rate
- Interpreting the Real Interest Rate Equation
- Determining the Effect of a Change in Policy on the Components of Aggregate Demand
- Government purchases
- Saving and investment
- Exports and imports
- Consumption
(10) Money, Prices, and Inflation
- Liquid Wealth That Can Be Used to Buy Things
- The usefulness of money
- Units of account
- Liquid Wealth That Can Be Used to Buy Things
The Quantity Theory of Money
- The Demand for Money
- The Quantity Equation
- Say's Law again (NEW)
- Money and Prices
- The price level
- The money stock
- BOX: Details: Different definitions of the money stock
- The rate of inflation
- Inflation and the nominal interest rate
The Economic Costs of Inflation
- The Costs of Moderate Expected Inflation
- Hyperinflation and Its Costs
IV. Sticky-Price Macroeconomics
(I) Introduction
The Sticky-Price Income-Expenditure Framework: Consumption and the Multiplier
- Sticky Prices
- Sticky Prices
- Consequences of Sticky Prices
- Breaking Say's Law (NEW)
- Flexible-price logic
- Sticky-price logic
- Expectations and price stickiness
Why Are Prices Sticky?
Income and Spending
- Building Up Planned Total Spending
- The consumption function
- Other components of total spending
Sticky-Price Equilibrium
The Multiplier
- Determining the Size of the Multiplier
(12) Investment, Net Exports, and Interest Rates: The IS Curve
Interest Rates and Planned Total Spending
- The Importance of Investment
- The role of investment
- Sources of fluctuations in investment
- Investment and the Real Interest Rate
- The long-term interest rate
- The real interest rate
- The risky interest rate
- The Investment Accelerator (NEW)
- BOX: Tools: The stock market as an indicator of future investment
- Bankruptcy and Investment (NEW)
- Would less sticky prices really be a help? (NEW)
- Exports and Autonomous Spending
- The Importance of Investment
The IS Curve
- Autonomous Spending and the Real Interest Rate
- From the interest rate to investment to planned total spending
- The Slope and Position of the IS Curve
- The slope of the IS curve
- The position of the IS curve
- How the economy moves to the IS curve
- BOX: Details: How fast does the economy move to equilibrium?
- The "neutral" interest rate of Knut Wickse (NEW)
- Autonomous Spending and the Real Interest Rate
Using the IS Curve to Understand the Economy
- BOX: Policy: Costs of low employment
- Shifting the IS Curve
- Moving Along the IS Curve
- Difficulties
- Economic Fluctuations in the United States: Using the IS Curve as a Lens
- The 1960s
- The 1980s
- The 1990s
- The early 2000s
- The Great Recession (NEW)
- The Longer Depression (NEW)
(13) Financial Crisis: Asset Prices, Leverage, Bankruptcies (NEW)
Asset Prices and Returns (NEW)
- The Equity Return Premium (NEW)
- "Convexity" in Financial Rewards (NEW)
Manias (NEW)
- Credit Expansion (NEW)
- Euphoria and Leverage (NEW)
- Policy Responses (NEW)
Panics and Crises (NEW)
- Greater Fools (NEW)
- Positive Feedback (NEW)
- Liquidation (NEW)
- Contagion (NEW)
- The Bagehot Rule, and the Lender of Last Resort (NEW)
Consequences (NEW)
- The Credit Channel and Investment (NEW)
- Liquidation and Confidence (NEW)
- Recovery? (NEW)
2007-2009 (NEW)
(14) The Money Market and the LM Curve
The Money Market and the Money Stock
- Wealth, Bonds, and the Demand for Money
- BOX: Details: Money demand and the quantity theory
- BOX: Details: Bond prices and interest rates
- Money Supply and Money Demand
- Adjustment to Equilibrium
- Wealth, Bonds, and the Demand for Money
The LM Curve
- Interest Rates and Total Income
- Drawing the LM Curve
- The Zero Lower Bound on Interest Rates (NEW)
The IS-LM Framework
- The IS-LM Diagram
- IS Shocks
- LM Shocks
- "Spread" Shocks
- At the Zero Lower Bound (NEW)
- Classifying Economic Disturbance
- Changes that affect the IS curve
- Changes that affect the LM curve
- Changes that affect the spread
Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
- The Price Level and Aggregate Demand
- The Price Level and Aggregate Supply
- The AS-AD Diagram
- BOX: Details: A shock to aggregate demand
(15) The Phillips Curve, Expectations, and Monetary Policy
Aggregate Supply and the Phillips Curve
- Employment, Full Employment, and Unemployment
- Aggregate Supply
- The Phillips Curve Examined BOX: Details: Forms of Okun's Law
Monetary Policy, Aggregate Demand, and Inflation
- The Reaction of Monetary Policy to Inflation
- BOX: Details: From income-spending to the MPRF
- Equilibrium: The MPRF and the Phillips Curve
- Using the MPRF-Phillips Curve Model
- The Reaction of Monetary Policy to Inflation
The Natural Rate of Employment and Unemployment (REV)
- Demography (REV)
- Institutions (REV)
- Productivity Growth (REV)
- The Past (REV)
- The Fluctuating Natural Rate (REV)
"Expected" Inflation
- The Phillips Curve under Static Expectations
- The Phillips Curve under Adaptive Expectations
- BOX: Policy: Adaptive expectations and the Volcker disinflation
- The Phillips Curve under Rational Expectations
- BOX: Details: The structure of the economy and the Lucas critique
- Economic policy under rational expectations
- What Kind of Expectations Do We Have?
- Persistent contracts
- Sticky mental models
From the Short Run to the Long Run
- Under Rational Expectations
- Under Adaptive Expectations
- Under Static Expectations
V. Macroeconomic Policy
(I) Introduction
Stabilization Policy
- Monetary Policy Institutions (REV)
- BOX: Details: Leading indicators
- The Federal Reserve Board (REV)
- The Federal Open Market Committee (REV)
- The History of the Federal Reserve (REV)
How the Federal Reserve Operates (REV)
- BOX: Details: The money multiplier
Fiscal Policy Institutions (REV)
- The Budget Cycle in Theory (REV)
The Budget Cycle in Practice (REV)
The History of Stabilization Policy
- The Employment Act of 1946
- Keynesian Overoptimism and the Monetarist Correction
- Monetary Management in the 1980s and 1990s
- The "Great Moderation" Overoptimism and Its Correction (NEW)
- Financial deregulation and "Greenspanism" (NEW)
The Great Recession and the Longer Depression (NEW)
- Monetary caution (NEW)
- Fiscal austerity (NEW)
The Power and Limits of Stabilization Policy
- Economists' Disagreements (REV)
- The Implications of Uncertainty
- The Money Supply as a Leading Indicator
Long Lags and Variable Effects
- BOX: Policy: The limits of stabilization policy
- BOX: Details: When is there a political business cycle?
Monetary vs. Fiscal Policy (REV)
- Relative Power (REV)
- Fiscal Policy: Automatic Stabilizers
- BOX: Policy: Tax cuts and economic stimulus
How Monetary Policy Works
- BOX: Policy: Standard monetary policy instruments
- At the zero lower bound (NEW)
Making Good Stabilization Policy: Rules vs. Authorities
- Competence and Objectives
- BOX: Policy: The political business cycle and Richard Nixon
- Credibility and Commitment
Modern Monetary Policy (REV)
Financial Crises (NEW)
- Lenders of Last Resort (NEW)
- Deposit Insurance and Moral Hazard (NEW)
(17) Monetary Policy and the Lower Bound on Interest Rates (NEW)
How Does the Central Bank Affect Interest Rates? (NEW)
- Open Market Operations in Short-Term Government Securities (NEW)
- What Happens When They and Money Become Perfect Substitutes? (NEW)
Non-Standard Monetary Policies (NEW)
- Forward Guidance (NEW)
- Quantitative Easing (NEW)
- Other Expedients (NEW)
Optimal Policy Near the Zero Lower Bound (NEW)
- Optimal Control (NEW)
- The Value of Not Having to Worry (NEW)
- Can We Understand Federal Reserve, ECB, and BoJ Policy? (NEW)
(18) Budget Balance, National Debt, and Investment
The Budget Deficit and Stabilization Policy
- The Budget Deficit and the IS Curve
- Measuring the Budget Balance
Measuring the Debt and the Deficit
- Inflation
- Public Investment
- Future Government Liabilities
- Generational Accounting
Analyzing the Debt and the Deficit (REV)
- BOX: Data: The U.S. debt-to-national-product ratio
- Sustainability (REV)
- The equilibrium debt-to-national-product ratio (REV)
- Is the equilibrium debt-to-national-product ratio possible? (REV)
- Risks (NEW)
- Economic Effects of Deficits and Debt (REV)
- Political Effects of Deficits (REV)
- Deficits and Planned Spending (REV)
- International Effects of Deficits (REV)
- Deficits and Long-Run Growth (REV)
- Debt Service, Taxation, and Real National Product
(19) Secular Stagnation (NEW)
Ideas of Secular Stagnation in History (NEW)
- John A. Hobson (NEW)
- Alvin Hansen (NEW)
- Larry Summers (NEW)
Causes of Secular Stagnation (NEW)
- Supply of Savings (NEW)
- Demands for Investment Projects (NEW)
- Outsized Risk Premiums (NEW)
Cures for Secular Stagnation (NEW)
- Higher Inflation Targets (NEW)
- Higher Government Debt Levels (NEW)
- Mobilizing Risk Bearing Capacity (NEW)
- Raising the Profitability of Investment (NEW)
(20) From the Short Run to the Long Run: Hysteresis (NEW)
Short-Run Performance of Potential Output Growth (NEW)
- Investment (NEW)
- Business Models (NEW)
- Technological Advance (NEW)
- Labor Attachment (NEW)
Changing the Policy Calculus (NEW)
- Externalities from a High Pressure Economy (NEW)
- The True Long-Run Cost of Expansionary Policies (NEW)
How Important Is This "Hysteresis"? (NEW)
- Europe in the 1980s (REV)
- The North Atlantic After 2009 (NEW)
- The Broader Historical Record (NEW)
(21) International Economic Policy
The History of Exchange Rates
- The Classical Gold Standard
- What is the gold standard?
- A gold standard tends to produce contractionary policies
- The Collapse of the Gold Standard
- The Bretton Woods System
- Our Current Floating Rate System (REV)
- The Classical Gold Standard
How a Fixed Exchange Rate System Works
- High Capital Mobility
- Barriers to Capital Mobility
The Choice of Exchange Rate Systems (REV)
- Benefits of Fixed Exchange Rates (REV)
- Costs of Fixed Exchange Rates (REV)
Currency Crises
- The European Crisis of 1992
- The Mexican Crisis of 1994-95
- The East Asian Crisis of 1997-98
- The Dollar in the 2000s (REV)
- Managing Crises (REV)
VI. Perspective
(I) Introduction
(22) Changes in the Macroeconomy and Changes in Macroeconomic Policy
Changes in the Macroeconomy
- The Past
- The Future (REV)
- Consumption (REV)
- Globalization (REV)
- Monetary policy (REV)
- Inventories (REV)
The History of Macroeconomic Fluctuations
- Estimating Long-Run Changes in Cyclical Volatility
- Economic Policy
- How economic policy has worked (REV)
- How economic policy has not worked (REV)
- BOX: Policy: The Bush 2001 tax cut
Understanding the Great Depression of the 1930s
- The Magnitude of the Great Depression
- Deflation, High Real Interest Rates, and Bankruptcies
Understanding the Moderate Inflation of the 1970s (NEW)
- The Deanchoring of Expectations (NEW)
- Supply Shocks (NEW)
- Macroeconomic Policy from Late Martin to Volcker (NEW)
Understanding 2005-2018 (NEW)
- The Global Savings Glut (NEW)
- The Housing Bubble and the Deregulatory Mania (NEW)
- The Crash (NEW)
- Policy Response (NEW)
- The Longer Depression (NEW)
Macroeconomic Policy: Lessons Learned (REV)
- Stabilization (REV)
- Learning (REV)
- Prospects (REV)
Macroeconomic Policy: Lessons Un- or Half-Learned (REV)
- Hysteresis: From High European Unemployment in the 1980s to Today (REV)
- Grand bargains? (REV)
- The Zero Lower Bound: From Japan in the 1990s to Today (REV)
- The end of the bubble economy (REV)
- Deflation (NEW)
- Debt expansion (NEW)
- Moral Hazard in Finance (REV)
- The Utility of Stabilization Policy (REV)
- BOX: Policy: Central bank independence
- The Ultimate Lesson (REV)
- Hysteresis: From High European Unemployment in the 1980s to Today (REV)
(23) The Past and Future of Macroeconomics
The Past of Macroeconomics (REV)
- Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Robert Malthus, and John Stuart Mill (NEW)
- Walter Bagehot and Robert Peel (NEW)
- Knut Wicksell and Irving Fisher (NEW)
- The Age of John Maynard Keynes
- The Age of Milton Friedman (REV)
The Present of Macroeconomics (NEW)
- The Influence of Robert Lucas (NEW)
- Rational expectations as a requirement (NEW)
- Fiscal policy pessimism (NEW)
- The turn to real factors (NEW)
- The Influence of Edward Prescott (REV)
- Supply shocks (REV)
- The unevenness of economic growth (REV)
- Investment responses to productivity shocks (REV)
- Bad RBC theories (NEW)
- Full employment (NEW)
- Technological regress (NEW)
- Money and real business cycles (NEW)
- The New Keynesian Approach (REV)
- The Central Banking Analysis and Private Forecasting Tradition (NEW)
- Debts and Deficits (REV)
- Ricardian equivalence (REV)
- Counterarguments (REV)
- Consumption and saving (REV)
- Ricardian equivalence (REV)
- The Influence of Robert Lucas (NEW)
The Future of Macroeconomics (REV)
- Beyond "New Keynesianism" (REV)
- Menu costs and sticky beliefs (REV)
- Real expectational modeling (REV)
- Coordination failures (NEW)
- Menu costs and sticky beliefs (REV)
- The Microeconomic Turn (NEW)
- What are the emergent macroeconomic properties given how economic agents really behave? (NEW)
- How Does Monetary Policy Really Work, Anyway? (NEW)
- Beyond "New Keynesianism" (REV)
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