#shrill Feed

Memo to Self: Shrill Tag Lines: Live from La Farine Monday Weblogging

Cthulhu gif 663×720 pixelsLa mayyitan ma qadirun yatabaqqa sarmadi
Fa idha yaji' al-shudhdhadh fa-l-maut qad yantahi.

That is not dead which can eternal lie
And with strange aeons even death may die.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

In His House at R'lyeh Dead Cthulhu waits dreaming!

Zi Dingir Ana Kanpa
Zi Dingir Kia Kanpa.

Spirits of the earth remember
spirits of the sky remember.

Josh Barro: Niall Ferguson Uses Twitter Science To Prove He Is Better Than Everyone: Noted

Josh Barro: Niall Ferguson Uses Twitter Science To Prove He Is Better Than Everyone:

Ferguson is annoyed with me for attacking him for his views on inflation when he has only written one recent article on the topic. Ferguson thinks I was being very uncivil when I called that 2011 Newsweek column "asinine." Was I being unfair?…. That leaves me with a few questions for Niall:

  1. Do you still believe that inflation was approximately 10% in 2011?
  2. If you recognize your inflation claim in the Newsweek piece was wrong (an incorrect statement of fact, not an incorrect prediction), why did you not retract it?
  3. Do you believe that inflation is approximately 10% today?
  4. How is it possible to have a sustained period of price inflation around 10% without similar wage inflation—or do you think BLS' wage stats are bogus, too?
  5. Has the U.S. economy really been in recession for a decade?
  6. Shouldn't you at least pretend you have something better to do with your time than lose a blog fight with the Politics Editor at Business Insider?

Mitt Romney's Housing Market Plan Has Driven Joe Weisenthal into Shrill Unholy Madness

Somebody trank him down before we find him loping through the night on all fours through the forests of Arkham, Massachusetts, raving beneath the dead uncaring stars…

Joe Weisenthal:

Mitt Romney's Housing Market Plan: Has Got To Be A Joke: At this point, we have no choice but to conclude that the Mitt Romney campaign is just trolling whiny journalists who have complained about the lack of detail in his plans.

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