Streams: (Monthly) Old New Republic Feed

Hoisted from Others' Archives: People Forget Just How Awful the Old New Republic Was How Much of the Time

I confess that I am still annoyed at the strange persistence of the narrative of decline around the Gabriel Snyder New Republic. People forget just how awful the Old New Republic was how much of the time. Here, to remind us, is Heather Hurlburt from 2012:

Heather Hurlburt: Leon Wieseltier Thinks You Can Never Have Enough War : "I haven’t read Rachel Maddow’s new book, Drift...

...Unlike The New Republic's Leon Wieseltier, I am not a book critic. I am a national security professional.  This means that--also unlike Wieseltier--I spend my days immersed in the thinking and writing of defense experts and policymakers--in the U.S. government, in the military, in other nations, in the non-governmental sector.

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Remembering the Old New Republic: Hoisted from the Archives from Five Years Ago

Let us remember the days when the Old New Republic, under the ownership of Marty Peretz and the editorship of Franklin Foer put forward people who are, shall we say, not very quantitative to make "the case against Keynes... [and] Krugman", and for austerity.

Good riddance:

William Galston (June 2010): The Case Against Keynes (With Some Questions for Krugman, Too): "As President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal commission gets set to convene...

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How Much Does "Liberalism" Mean "Neoconservatism" or "Racist Crackpot"?: Reposting a Sokratic Dialogue on the Old and the New New Republic

Over on the Twitter Device the very sharp Tim Noah trolls me by writing 33 tweets about how "things went sour" for The Old New Republic when Richard Just got fired:

And following up with:

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Why People with a Grasp on Reality Do Not Miss the Old New Republic

Hoisted from the Archives: I understand that the Old New Republic was at times (save for firing him) very good to the very sharp Timothy Noah. But he says some things he shouldn't in and ancillary to a very nice tweetstorm:

For example:

It was not a good magazine.

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