GO TO: http://delong.typepad.com/main/talks-and-presentations.html
Talk: The U.S. Outlook https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0iqGf9C1E8-9mHJVeQdy1U7YQ #talks #forecasting 2019-06-28
Talking Points: Bloomberg Broadcast, June 19, 2019 https://www.bradford-delong.com/2019/06/federal-reserve-talking-points-for-bloomberg-june-19-2019.html: For ten years now, the Federal Reserve has: (1) overestimated how fast the economy will grow without exceptional support, (2) underestimated how many people the US can put to work at "full employment"—the point beyond which inflationary pressures start to build—(3) overestimated how fast an inflationary spiral could take hold, and (4) underestimated the dangers of renewed recession. The result has been the worst economic recovery in American history... 2019-06-19
Talk: American Finance: Perceptions, Prospects, and Policies https://www.bradford-delong.com/2019/06/american-finance-2018-perceptions-prospects-and-policies-when-should-i-make-this-live-on-the-weblog.html 2019-06-05
Talk: Where Frank Fukuyama Went Wrong; or, Zombie Fascism!! 2019-05-10
Talking Points Economics, Identity, and the Democratic Recession https://www.bradford-delong.com/2019/04/economics-identity-and-the-democratic-recession-talking-points.html 2019-04-09
A Historical View of Trump https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0nnWpRBz4Fbsqvr33knGOZM9w 2019-04-04
Commonwealth Club: Annual Economic Forecast Event (January 25, 2019): Relevant Files #publicsphere #economicsgonewrong #orangehairedbaboons #moralresponsibility #forecasting 2019-01-27
- Talking Points and Snippets from Commonwealth Club January 25, 2019 Forecast Event: If you look at the American middle and working classes, the numbers look worse for Republicans. Excluding the top 10% of the distribution, growth in output per worker gives us Reagan at 10%, Bush I at 3% (one term), Clinton at 17%, Bush II at 3%, Obama at 13%. Why then do Republicans worship Reagan? One reason is that if you look at the top 1%, the income per worker figures are: Reagan 78%, Bush I 11% (one term), Clinton 35%, Bush II 20%, Obama 25%. For the top 1% the Reagan years were a wealth bonanza—but that was overwhelmingly redistribution from the non-rich upwards, rather than exceptionally rapid growth... #publicsphere #economics #equitablegrowth #talks #talkingpoints Talks and Events 2019-01-26
- Commonwealth Club Talking Points (January 25, 2019): Forecasting and Steve Moore Edition #publicsphere #berkeley #economics #equitablegrowth #economicgrowth 2019-01-25
- Commonwealth Club: Annual Economic Forecast: Commonwealth Club: Brad DeLong and Stephen Moore: Bank of America/Merrill Lynch Walter E. Hoadley Annual Economic Forecast: FRI, JAN 25 / 12:00 PM :: The Commonwealth Club :: 110 The Embarcadero :: Taube Family Auditorium :: San Francisco, 94105: With changes to taxes, trade wars with China and other countries, health care in flux, housing prices continuing to rise, continued governmental gridlock as well as international challenges to the United States, what does all of this mean for your business, your investments and the overall economy for 2019?... #forecasting #publicsphere #berkeley Forecasting Talks and Events 2019-01-25
Framing the Industrial Revolution https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0-3JUJaZHlPgS6_6W91jmkw8Q:
Modern Economic Growth https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0m1Ser_mPMUYJ2H2EvS8ydlTw
American Finance 2018: Perceptions, Prospects, and Policies https://www.icloud.com/keynote/00XLwIpxn9pEFcM34iM-ggyqQ 2018-10-17
The Nobel-Like Prize in Economic Science, 2018 http://www.bradford-delong.com/2018/10/the-nobel-like-prize-in-economic-science-2018.html: Wikipedia claims of Alfred Nobel: 'After reading a premature obituary which condemned him for profiting from the sales of arms, he bequeathed his fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes…' <— Story too good to check!... #highlighted #economicsgoneright #economicgrowth
Macroeconomics: The Future https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0ysTdN41E5B7qCmwuB35WJtOQ 2018-10-19
“Unknown Unknowns”: High Public Debt Levels and Other Sources of Risk in Today’s Macroeconomic Environment (NEEDS REVISION) https://www.icloud.com/keynote/0_py01Y-ZrGddLKba8Rl2r9eQ
- 6 am-12 noon: [Talks and Presentations][] (on occasion) | Highlighted | Long-Term Projects
- 12 noon-2 pm: email and twitter
- 2 pm-3 pm: webloggging
- 3 pm-6 pm: extended reading
- The Stock
- Blum Center
- Equitable Growth
- Economics Teaching Master
- File List
- 2016-11-30 We: Late October 2012
- 2016-12-01 Th: NIMBYism in San Francisco | [email protected]
- 2016-12-22 Th: Li Hongzhang, Chulalongkorn, etc. | [email protected]
- 2016-12-22 Th: | [email protected] | Helicopter Money
- 2016-12-22 Th: Economics Teaching Master | http://bcourses.berkeley.edu | http://calcentral.berkeley.edu
- 2016-12-22 Th: Is Responsible Democracy Sustainable?
- 2016-12-22 Th: London: Social Theory for the Twenty-First Century? | 2016-07-25: What Thinkers Will Define Our Future?: No Longer Fresh at Project Syndicate
- 2016-12-22 Th: Reference Letters: Lu Ding 8:30 AM, Claire Boone, and others...
- 2016-12-22 Th: CPPC getting information down to the state level...
- 2016-12-22 Th: Blum Center
- 2016-12-22 Th: Strong Believers in Behavioral Finance
- 2016-12-22 Th: Infrastructure
- 2016-12-22 Th: ??TPP
- 2016-12-22 Th: 2016-09-22 Th: BPEA | Washington | Rethinking the Monetary (and Macroeconomic) Policy Framework
- 2016-12-22 Th: 2016-09-23 Fr: Gunpowder Empires
- 2016-12-22 Th: 2016-10-13 Th: Kansas Economic Policy Conference
- 2016-12-22 Th: BRIE: Gordon vs. Perez?
- 2016-12-22 Tu: [Project Syndicate: January 2016][]
- 2016-12-23 Fr: Where Did Growth Go?: Secular Stagnation | IMF Finance and Development
- 2016-12-31 Sa: Bob Woodward: compare The Agenda and Maestro...
- 2016-12-31 Sa: Dean Acheson: Private Thoughts on Public Affairs...
- 2016-12-31 Sa: Non-ergodicity and geometric Brownian motion--the Kelly Criterion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly_criterion
- 2016-12-31 Sa: Uber
- 2016-12-31 Sa: Fiscal Policy and Equitable Growth
- 2016-12-31 Sa: The Confidence Fairy in Historical Perspective | History of Economics Society
- 2016-12-31 Sa: Trekonomics
- 2016-12-31 Sa: 2016 NTA Conference Proceedings Submission
- 2016-12-31 Sa:
- 2017-01-15 Su: Teaching
- 2017-01-15 Su: Econ 1 | Principles of Economics BaseCamp Page
- 2017-01-15 Su: 115: Twentieth Century Economic History
- 2017-01-15 Su: 113 American Economic History
- 2017-01-15 Su: 210b: The Research Frontier in European Economic History: A "Recent Great Books" Approach
- 2017-01-15 Su: 210a: Introduction to Economic History: Econ 210a S 2017
- 2017-01-24 Sa: Project Syndicate: January 2017 http://www.bradford-delong.com/the-global-economy-thoughts-from-the-pwt.html
- 2017-03-01 Su: Global Studies
- 2017-03-14 Tu: Lunchtime: Citizens Engagement Lab: Haas Institute: Thinking Ahead Speaker Series--Mark Gomez
- 2017-04-01 We: John Cochrane: This one goes to 11!
- 2017-04-01 We: But-That's-Not-What-Niall-Ferguson-Said!
- 2017-06-22 Th: Tipping Points: Household Financial Debt
- 2017-??-??: Prolegomenon to a Reading Course on Karl Marx
- 2018-01-11: Scotchmer Memorial Lecture: Mechanism Design in Historical Perspective: Pre-Smithian, Smithian, and Post-Smithian Commodities
- 2018-01-15: Teaching
- Econ 101B
- Econ 210A
- Econ 210B
- Econ 211
In Suspension:
In the Past:
- 2007-10-02: Karl Polanyi UNTRANSCRIBED
- 2009-01-01: Financial Crisis Policy in Historical Perspective
- 2013-06-14: Fiscal Policy in a Low Interest-Rate Environment
- 2013-11-25: Monetary Policy Outlook
- 2014-11-13 Thoughts on Making a Better Economics
- 2015-02-11: Economic Growth in the Very Longest Run
- 2015-05-21: Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth | Four Ways in Which the World Has Surprised Me Over the Past Decade with Its Economics
- 2015-08-24 What the Frack Is Going on in Europe?
- 2015-08-27 Whose Recovery?
- 2015-10-11 The U.S. Macroeconomic Situation
- 2015-11-16 What Is Wrong with Our Economy?
2016 First Quarter:
- 2016-02-26 The Affordable Care Act Six Years After Passage | UMKC Law 6:00 PM | Slides | Video
- Econ 210a: 2016-03-02 Extractive and Developmental Institution; 2016-02-24 Cities and Economic Growth; 2016-02-17 Growth Accounting: Returns--to Schooling, to R&D, etc.; 2016-02-10 Slavery and Serfdom; 2016-02-03 "Modern" Economic Growth; 2016-01-27 Pre-Industrial Revolutions; 2016-01-20 The Malthusian Economy;
- 2016-03-09 The Macro Outlook | Dorchester Mayfair 10:00-12:00 noon
- 2016-03-16 Understanding Thomas Piketty | Berkeley Econ 191 6:00-9:00 PM | 2014 Mr. Piketty and the Neoclassicists
- 2016-03-24 Social Science Knowledge and Public Policy: A View from the Trenches during the Great Recession of 2008-???? | SSSA Paris Las Vegas 4:00-8:00 PM
2016 Second Quarter:
- 2016-04-15 Breaking the Oil Spell: Gulf Falcons’ Path to Diversification 9:30-11:00 AM
- 2016-04-16 The Global and U.S. Growth Slowdown | Hay-Adams 10:45 AM
- 2016-04-22 Social Science Knowledge and Public Policy: A View from the Trenches during the Great Recession of 2008-???? | UMKC 3:00-5:00 PM
- 2016-04-27 Econ 1: Lectures:
- 2016-04-27 Final Review;
- 2016-04-25 International Economy;
- 2016-04-20 Macroeconomics: Macroeconomic Policy; 2016-04-18 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply; 2016-04-13 Monetary Policy; 2016-04-11 Income and Spending; 2016-04-06 Business Cycles; 2016-04-04 Saving, Investment, Finance, Money, Prices, and Banking; 2016-03-30 Economic Growth; 2016-03-28 Measuring the Macroeconomy;
- 2016-03-16 Political Economy: Public Goods and Political Economy; 2016-03-14 Income and Wealth Distribution; Benefit-Cost Analysis;
- 2016-02-29 Market Failures: Information Economics and Adverse Selection; 2016-02-24 Instructor Reality Check; 2016-02-22 Externalities and Property Rights; 2016-02-17 Regulating Monopoly and Strategic Interactions; 2016-02-10 Calculating Monopoly; 2016-02-08 Market Power;
- 2016-02-03 Supply and Demand: Shifting and Tilting Supply and Demand Curves; 2016-02-01 Surplus II, Quotas, and Price Ceilings; 2016-01-27 Equilibrium and Surplus; 2016-01-25 Supply and Demand;
- 2016-01-20 Introduction; Thinking Like an Economist
- 2016-05-06 Debt to GDP Ratios and Future Economic Growth
- 2016-05-06 John
SnowCochrane Knows Nothing--About Economic Growth, That Is http://tinyurl.com/del20160506c and http://tinyurl.com/dl20160507c - 2016-05-18 Structural Reform and Managing Commodity Price Declines | Moscow
- 2016-06-15 We: Trekonomics | Berkeley
- 2016-06-17 Fr: The Confidence Fairy in Historical Perspective | History of Economics Society
2016 Third Quarter:
- 2016-07-09 Sa: Fiscal Policy and Equitable Growth
- 2016-08-03 We: Macro Musings: Podcast with David Beckworth | Beckworth BaseCamp
- 2016-07-20 We: Best Business Books--Economics | [Best Business Books 2016][]
- 2016-07-23: Secular Stagnation: The Scary Debate Over Secular Stagnation--Hoisted from the Milken Review of Nine Months Ago
- 2016-07-23 Weblogging: In Which I Face My Social Media Ineptitude Squarely
- 2016-07-25 Mo: What Thinkers Will Define Our Future?: No Longer Fresh at Project Syndicate
- 2016-07-26: Expenditure Shares, Price Measurement, and True Relative Labor Productivity Growth in Post-WWII Manufacturing: What the Aggregate Data Suggest
- 2016-08-03: Macro Musings: Podcast with David Beckworth: Concrete Economics", Pragmatism, the Hamilton Tradition, the Evolution of Macroeconomics, and the Post-2008 Nominal Demand Shortfall | Beckworth BaseCamp
- 2016-08-05: The Kansas Prairie
- 2016-08-05: Inequality: 2016-10-17: Brown | Inequality: August 2016 Project Syndicate Column | A Brief History of (In)equality
- 2016-08-25 We: Something for Peter Passell?
- 2016-08-27 We: Project Syndicate: September 2016
- 2016-08-31 We: Piketty Introduction | Understanding Thomas Piketty | Berkeley Econ 191 6:00-9:00 PM | 2014 Mr. Piketty and the Neoclassicists
- 2016-09-05 Mo: Mokyr Review for Nature: Review for Nature of: Joel Mokyr: "A Culture of Growth" | Gunpowder Empires: Should We Generalize Mark Elvin's High-Level Equilibrium Trap? | Is the Semi-Permanent "Gunpowder Empire" Historical Scenario Plausible? Perhaps Not...
- 2016-09-09 Fr: Brookings Productivity Festival: DeLong Edited Transcript | Files Related to the Hutchins-Brookings Productivity Festival
- 2016-09-09 Fr: Talking Points on Trumponomics for Fox News Business This Afternoon (September 15, 2016: 2 PM)...
- 2016-09-24 Sa: Project Syndicate: October 2016 Antitrust?
2016 Fourth Quarter:
- 2016-10-06 We: IMF Fiscal Policy Panel
- 2016-10-13 We: Trade and Inequality | Trans-Pacific Partnership | Notes on TPP
- 2016-10-14 Fr: Was Macroeconomic Policy Different After 2008?... @FRBB| Rethinking the Monetary (and Macroeconomic) Policy Framework
- 2016-10-17 Mo: Inequality @ Brown | Inequality: August 2016 Project Syndicate Column | A Brief History of (In)equality
- 2016-10-25 Tu: Project Syndicate November 2016: Tony James on the Need to Raise Interest Rates
- 2016-10-28 Tu: Romney Secret 47% Video Annotated
- 2016-11-11 Fr: Hamilton | Stephen Cohen and J. Bradford DeLong (2016): Concrete Economics: The Hamilton Approach to Economic Policy | Concrete Economics: Presentation Slides (Short Present-Focused Talk)
- 2016-11-15 Tu: London | Secular Stagnation or Debt Supercycle? | Globalization Pivot | Taping | Interview
- 2016-11-17 Th: PIIE Inclusive Growth | Panel Notes
- 2016-11-22 Tu: Teaching Professorships
- 2016-11-25 Sa: Project Syndicate: December 2016